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Searching for the ‘missing link’ between kidney disease and cardiovascular disease

Searching for the ‘missing link’ between kidney disease and cardiovascular disease

Posted on 16 December 2020 by Kate Morgan (BA 2017)

Dr Anne-Catherine Raby is a researcher at the School of Medicine, looking for the link between chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease with a focus on inflammation. Her work is far-reaching, all-consuming, and imperative in understanding the disease responsible for more deaths globally than any other cause.

Meet the volunteer – Scott Bowers

Meet the volunteer – Scott Bowers

Posted on 16 December 2020 by Alumni team

Scott Bowers (BA 2003, PGDip 2004) is a Cardiff University volunteer who’s been an alumni ambassador, a member of Cardiff University Court, and a student mentor. He works professionally as chief corporate affairs officer for one of the UK’s leading sports businesses, The Jockey Club, and has recently become a dad. Read on to discover why he is such an enthusiastic and dedicated volunteer.

Meet the Researcher – Professor Anne Rosser

Meet the Researcher – Professor Anne Rosser

Posted on 14 December 2020 by Alumni team

Huntington’s is a devastating disease, caused by a faulty gene which stops the brain working properly, affecting mobility, learning, thinking and emotions. We spoke to researcher Anne Rosser, Professor of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences at Cardiff University.

Internships are ‘mutually beneficial’

Internships are ‘mutually beneficial’

Posted on 9 December 2020 by Kate Morgan (BA 2017)

Mohammad Arshad (MEng 2020) completed a summer internship with KGAL Consulting Ltd, offered by a Cardiff alumnus. As a result, he landed himself a permanent role within the company and has kicked-off his career in engineering. We caught up with him to find out how he made the most of the opportunity and secured a job in a highly sought-after field.

Meet the new leader of Cardiff’s cancer research – exciting times ahead

Meet the new leader of Cardiff’s cancer research – exciting times ahead

Posted on 9 December 2020 by Kate Morgan (BA 2017)

Professor Awen Gallimore is Cardiff University’s new Cancer Theme Lead and she’s bringing a spark of energy to the role, with big plans for shaping cancer research in Cardiff. We caught up with Awen to get her insight on exciting developments and innovation happening within this field.

#TeamCardiff’s virtual fundraisers: Nelson Selvaraj

#TeamCardiff’s virtual fundraisers: Nelson Selvaraj

Posted on 2 October 2020 by Kate Morgan (BA 2017)

Nelson Selvaraj (MSc 2015) is a staff member and former student who has just completed an impressive Great North virtual run to raise money for research at Cardiff University. Here he explains what motivated him to take on this test of physical endurance and shares his words of wisdom for those considering doing the same.

Meet the Researcher – Dr Sarah Lauder

Meet the Researcher – Dr Sarah Lauder

Posted on 17 September 2020 by Alumni team

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and each year around 55,000 people are diagnosed in the UK alone. Ahead of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, we spoke to cancer researcher Sarah Lauder (BSc 2002, PhD 2007), a Research Associate at Cardiff University’s Gallimore Godkin Cancer Immunology Lab.

Giving young adults experiences that will stay with them for life

Giving young adults experiences that will stay with them for life

Posted on 17 September 2020 by Alumni team

Cardiff University’s Global Opportunities programme gives students the chance to volunteer, work and study abroad, and benefit from the experiences they would have otherwise missed out on. We spoke to Sammy Fagan (Chemistry 2018-) who spent summer 2019 teaching children in Tanzania.

New relationships, new funding, and a new approach towards assessing young children

New relationships, new funding, and a new approach towards assessing young children

Posted on 17 September 2020 by Kate Morgan (BA 2017)

Cardiff University’s Neurodevelopment Assessment Unit is paving the way for the future of child behaviour assessments and providing much-needed support to families, schools and children. With the approval of a new UKRI COVID-19 grant, its valuable work continues within the context of the current pandemic.

Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies event – “What is truth?” Is undisclosed bias in the media contributing to global insecurity?

Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies event – “What is truth?” Is undisclosed bias in the media contributing to global insecurity?

Posted on 24 November 2017 by Susie Bailey

On 23 November 2017, in the prestigious Lincoln Centre in London, Cardiff alumni joined experts from Cardiff’s School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC) - Britain’s oldest journalism school-for a fascinating evening of debate.

My Cardiff is… meeting my four grandchildren.

My Cardiff is… meeting my four grandchildren.

Posted on 21 November 2017 by Susie Bailey

Alan Buckle: Cardiff resident, Phase 1 cancer treatment trialist and keen golfer.

Stephen Fry (Hon 2010) returns to Cardiff University

Stephen Fry (Hon 2010) returns to Cardiff University

Posted on 9 November 2017 by Susie Bailey

Cardiff University Honorary Fellow Stephen Fry (Hon 2010) visits Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute.

The running diaries – #TeamCardiff 2017

The running diaries – #TeamCardiff 2017

Posted on 27 September 2017 by Susie Bailey

Ahead of Race Day, here is another instalment from Alex Norton (BA 2015) on his race day preparations ahead of the Cardiff University/Cardiff Half Marathon. "It seemed like such a […]

Meet #TeamCardiff – Hannah Sterritt

Meet #TeamCardiff – Hannah Sterritt

Posted on 27 September 2017 by Susie Bailey

Hannah Sterritt (BMus 2015) shares an update on her training for Cardiff University/Cardiff Half Marathon ahead of the race on 1 October. As the coordinator for all things #TeamCardiff  at Cardiff University, […]

Meet #TeamCardiff – Keith Lynch

Meet #TeamCardiff – Keith Lynch

Posted on 27 September 2017 by Susie Bailey

Keith is running the Cardiff University/Cardiff Half Marathon to raise funds for cancer research at Cardiff University in memory of his sister Rhona. I’m running to raise funds for cancer […]

Cardiff University/Cardiff Half Marathon funds support neuroscience research

Cardiff University/Cardiff Half Marathon funds support neuroscience research

Posted on 13 September 2017 by Susie Bailey

At the 2016 Cardiff University/Cardiff Half Marathon, members of #TeamCardiff who raised money for neuroscience and mental health research have directly enabled three seedcorn grants to support research within Cardiff's Neuroscience and […]

Meet #TeamCardiff Angela Foster-Swailes (BA 2001)

Meet #TeamCardiff Angela Foster-Swailes (BA 2001)

Posted on 13 September 2017 by Susie Bailey

I think the running community are a lovely, supportive bunch of people. I’ve lost count of the amounts of times a simple gesture like a smile or a thumbs up from another runner whilst out on my own has really lifted my spirits and helped me through. I’m fairly new to running and very slow but I make sure I celebrate all milestones and personal bests. I’ve learnt that comparison really is the thief of happiness and when I run I don’t compete with anyone but myself.

Cancer showcase event leads to immunotherapy gift

Cancer showcase event leads to immunotherapy gift

Posted on 22 August 2017 by Susie Bailey

I was impressed with Professor Gallimore's recent presentation in London. on the cancer immunology research being undertaken at Cardiff University. The immune system is very complex and Professor Gallimore explained clearly about cancer immunology and how it can be designed for successful cancer therapies.

Future Leaders in Cancer Research – Dr Stephanie Smit (BSc 2010, PhD 2015)

Future Leaders in Cancer Research – Dr Stephanie Smit (BSc 2010, PhD 2015)

Posted on 22 August 2017 by Susie Bailey

I am a behavioural scientist working on projects that focus on screening, prevention and early diagnosis of cancer.

Meet #TeamCardiff – Julie Smith

Meet #TeamCardiff – Julie Smith

Posted on 21 July 2017 by Susie Bailey

I decided to raise money for Cardiff University Neuroscience and Mental Health research as this research covers Alzheimer’s. Both my in-laws had Alzheimer's, so I have first-hand experience of how this impacts on a person and their families.