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IN FOCUS: The ‘3D Pollen Library’: An Update

Above: Transparent 3D rendering of a dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) pollen grain. Surface exine displayed in green, inner intine structure in blue. Image produced by Dr Anthony Hayes, Bioimaging Hub, Cardiff School of Biosciences.

Over the last 12 months I’ve been working closely with biovisualisation specialist Dr Kristen Brown at NIH3D to curate our 3D pollen model resources into a purpose-built 3D collection:  the ‘3D Pollen Library’. This collection is now featured on the NIH3D homepage and, at the time of writing, represents the largest collection of 3D pollen grain models worldwide. To date, it contains over a hundred entries together with taxonomic metadata and links to other well-established online pollen resources – a significant achievement considering its humble beginnings (you can read more about the background work leading up to it here.)

Enormous thanks must go to Kristen and her team who have been incredibly helpful throughout in accommodating my (many) requests regarding the ‘look and feel’ of the curated collection. They have done an absolutely splendid job.

Above: A small selection of surface rendered pollen grains in the 3D Pollen Library collection. These examples were recently created in collaboration with Dr Heather Pardoe, Amgueddfa Cymru, National Museum Wales.

Above: the user interface for visualisation and manipulation of the 3D pollen models. The models are all viewable  as surface rendered or wireframe meshes and can be downloaded in x3d, stl, glb and wrl file formats for 3D printing and AR/VR visualisation. The source confocal data is also available for download, as is the published methodology for creating the models.

In parallel with the above, I’ve established an ongoing collaboration with Dr Heather Pardoe (senior botanist and chief palynologist at Amgueddfa Cymru, National Museum Wales). This collaboration has allowed us to digitise and 3D model pollen grains and spores from selected plant species in the museum’s extensive archival pollen collection using methodology we’ve developed in-house at the Bioimaging Hub. The 3D pollen models produced via this collaboration will be added to our NIH3D library as a separate pollen sub-collection, as well as being viewable as part of the full collection. It is envisaged that these models will have significant utility as educational tools for teaching and exhibition.

Further reading:


IN FOCUS: Masson’s trichrome – but which one?

a 4x3 grid of microphotographs showing 12 different Masson's trichrome protocols

All of these protocols have been described in various sources as Masson’s trichrome.


In an age of routine immunofluorescence, FISH, RNAScope and automated massively-multiplexed imaging there’s still a place in microscopy for traditional histological techniques. Almost every tissue sample that is processsed for an advanced technique will have an accompanying slide stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and several other methods remain useful – such as toluidine blue, periodic acid-Schiff, Perls’ prussian blue, alcian blue and Masson’s trichrome. Of these, Masson’s trichrome is probably the most widely used, particularly in research.

Masson’s trichrome consists of three components – a nuclear stain, a stain that’s specific to collagen (the fibre stain) and a third stain that provides overall tissue context (the plasma stain). It’s remarkably difficult to find a definitive reference online to the exact stains that Masson used for his original trichrome. The oldest textbook I have access to is Pathological Technique by Mallory (1938). This lists the stains used as aniline blue for the fibre stain and a mixture of acid fuchsin and ponceau de xylidine for the plasma stain. This latter stain is presumably what is now referred to as ponceau fuchsin. As Mallory was a contemporary of Masson it’s reasonable to assume that this represents the original method.

A collage showing the spine of Pathological Technique by Mallory along with photos of the stains used for Masson's trichrome

Recipes described by Mallory for the original version of Masson’s trichrome.

The protocol described by Mallory is close to what many people would use today. However, many alternative variants are in general use. A common variation uses light green instead of aniline blue as described in Theory and Practice of Histological Technique, Bancroft and Stevens (latterly Bancroft and Gamble). Other methods use biebrich scarlet acid fuchsin rather than ponceau fuchsin, methyl blue instead of aniline blue – and there are others.

Difficulty arises from the fact that very few papers report exactly what Masson’s trichrome they have used. They usually say they used a ‘standard protocol’ or they include a reference to a method in a previous paper that invariably doesn’t contain a protocol either. This makes it impossible to directly reproduce.

Snippets from two papers that give little detail of the precise method used

An example reference. The figure is from reference [25] but the paper contains few details about the protocol used other than the fact that it uses ‘Brilliant Green’ – a stain I hadn’t even heard of until starting this writeup.

Further complication arises from the fact that many histological techniques are poorly understood at a fundamental level. We know that they work but not how – instead a certain level of folklore exists where things are done how they’ve always been done with little real evaluation taking place.

This is not satisfactory so as part of some ongoing work I decided to look at methods from various sources and trial them on several tissue types. I came up with a rough average based on many different protocols. There were two common plasma stains and three common fibre stains. This gave six base protocols, details of which at the end of this post.

  1. Biebrich scarlet acid fuchsin (BSAF) and aniline blue (AB)
  2. BSAF and methyl blue (MB)
  3. BSAF and light green (LG)
  4. Ponceau fuchsin (PF) and AB
  5. PF and MB
  6. PF and LG

I decided to omit the usual haematoxylin counterstain and just focus on the components that are more specific to Masson’s trichrome – the plasma and fibre stains.

Bouin’s solution

The original Masson’s method used Bouin’s solution (called Bouin’s fluid by Mallory) – a fixative containing formaldehyde, picric acid and acetic acid. This is generally believed to enhance trichrome staining. This isn’t routinely used in modern labs but the same benefit can be gained by soaking slides in Bouin’s solution after dewaxing and rehydration.

To test the effect of Bouin’s solution I ran two sets of my six protocols – one set with a Bouin’s soak, one without. This gave me a total of twelve protocols to examine.

The tissues used were formalin-fixed mouse tissues. Normal kidney, fibrotic kidney, lung, pancreas and spleen. A set of twelve slides were produced from each tissue with one assigned to each protocol. It was immediately obvious there was a huge amount of variation between the protocols.

photograph of twelve microscope slides in cardboard trays each stained with a different protocol. There are obvious differences between them.

The differences between the protocols is immediately apparent.

To compare microscopically, roughly the same region from each slide was photographed at 4x and 20x magnification and plates assembled. These will all be available to download at the end of this post but here I’ll focus on notable points.

The first thing that stood out was the effect that Bouin’s solution had, even to the naked eye.

Photograph of two slides showing two staining techniques on mouse kidney. One is almost completely green while the other is brick red.

The difference made by Bouin’s solution to the tissue staining is obvious.

Microscopically you can see that the plasma stain (PF) is almost completely lost.

Plate showing the effect that Bouin's solution makes. The photo shows one picture almost completely green, another with a mix of green, red and purple.

WIthout Bouin’s the fibre stain (light green) stains practically the entire kidney section. Only red blood cells retain the plasma stain.

Bouin’s has a similar effect in some of the other tissues but not to quite as dramatic an extent. In lung, for example, the effect is relatively subtle.

Slide showing variation of staining protocols in lung tissue. There aren't any dramatic differences between them.

This slide summarises the effect of the different protocols on lung.

Broadly speaking, it appears that Bouin’s causes more plasma stain to be retained. This reduces the intensity of the fibre staining, presumably by blocking sites that the fibre stain would otherwise bind to. You can also see some differences between the different plasma stains and the different fibre stains. In summary, there’s not that much to note on lung tissue. You could probably use any of these protocols interchangeably.

While Bouin’s seems to give a more classic staining pattern, on spleen tissue it may be more beneficial to avoid using it.

Side-by-side comparison of two photomicrographs of spleen. In one there is a much clearer differentiation between the red pulp and the white pulp.

Illustration of the effect Bouin’s solution has on staining of spleen tissue.

Bouin’s has a similar effect to other tissues in that it causes more of the plasma stain to be retained. In this instance this makes the distinction between the red pulp and the white pulp far less apparent. The specific collagen staining is also less obvious as it’s partially masked by the plasma staining. By eye, the collagen staining stands out clearly against the background when Bouin’s isn’t used but image analysis software might have an easier job with the Bouin’s tissue.

Similarly, a lot of tissue differentiation is lost in pancreas tissue.

Two images showing islets of Langerhans in pancreas. One is clearly differentiated in blue.

Islets of Langerhans in pancreas.

When Bouin’s is omitted, the islets of Langerhans retain almost none of the plasma stain which causes them to show up very clearly with whatever fibre stain is used. It’s at a fairly low level so can still be differentiated from the collagen staining around the duct and blood vessel. Also of note is a subpopulation of cells which appear with pink nuclei. From the proportion of the cells it’s possible that these are delta cells but there’s no way to be sure from this image alone.

That just about covers the effects that Bouin’s solution has. Most sources will recommend Bouin’s for trichrome stains but I think it’s clear from the above that it depends what you’re aiming to achieve. It means that far more plasma stain is retained but this isn’t necessarily ideal for all purposes.

Fibre stains

Now we’ll look at the different fibre stains used – aniline blue, methyl blue and light green.

Three micrographs showing different fibre stains. Two show blue fibres and one shows blue-green.

Comparison of the three fibre stains with representative RGB values.

There’s very little difference between aniline blue and methyl blue across all tissue types. After running the protocols I discovered that aniline blue contains methyl blue anyway so they’re chemically very similar. The recipes used contain different concentrations of acetic acid, however, so there is still some value to the comparison. Personally I think that the light green is more visually striking than the blues. For computer segmentation though I think the blues would be superior. From the RGB values they are quite close to being pure blue while the ‘green’ is in fact almost perfectly blue-green. This would be more difficult to process for automatic segmenting.

Plasma stains

The plasma stains used were biebrich scarlet acid fuchsin (BSAF) and ponceau fuchsin (PF). On the whole they stained quite similarly. BSAF was a bit darker and muddier while PF was brighter and clearer. Some of these differences could potentially be altered by varying the protocols as there were some key variations – most notably the time in phosphomolybdic acid. In spleen and pancreas there was a meaningful difference in the staining pattern.

Two images showing the difference between BSAF and PF. BSAF staining is everywhere while PF is more specific leading to a large area of blue that can be seen

Biebrich scarlet acid fuchsin and ponceau fuchsin in spleen without Bouin’s.

Even without Bouin’s a large amount of BSAF is retained in the spleen compared to the PF. As this stain is very widely distributed it makes it much more difficult to define the area of red pulp vs white. In this instance ponceau fuchsin is preferable.

For pancreas tissue it’s more difficult to say that one plasma stain is better than the other.

Side by side images showing an islet of Langerhans in pancreas. One is stained with BSAF, the other PF.

Islet of Langerhans in pancreas, one stained with BSAF, the other PF.

PF is still brighter and clearer while BSAF is darker and muddier. Overall differentiation of the islet is far clearer with PF. As mentioned earlier the PF is showing a pink subpopulation of cells, possibly delta cells. Conversely, BSAF shows two subpopulations of cells which are far more numerous than the pink cells – some are red/pink while the others are dark purple. From the proportions its difficult to guess at what these cells might be but it’s certainly a notable difference.

Finally, there’s something intriguing going on with fibrotic kidney compared to normal.

Four images showing differences in plasma staining patterns between normal and fibrotic kidney. Red/purple staining is widespread in normal kidney but restricted to certain regions in fibrotic.

Fibrotic kidney vs normal kidney with two different fibre stains.

I’ve been running Masson’s trichrome staining to demonstrate fibrosis in a kidney model for research purposes. This is most visible in the lower left image above as areas of intense blue. The staining was often imperfect which is part of why I decided to investigate different protocols with the aim of finding an ideal one. Although it was chiefly the fibre stain that was of interest for these samples, performing these side-by-side comparisons is also showing something in the plasma stain.

In normal kidney the plasma stain is retained throughout and gives clear outlines of the architecture of the kidney. In diseased kidney it’s selectively retained only in certain structures. I’m not sure myself what these are but this could reflect some sort of biochemical change in the diseased kidney that gives some areas a much higher affinity for the plasma stain. Hard to say what this could be without further work to determine precisely what these structures are.

Next steps

The primary aim for these experiments was to discover the ideal Masson’s trichrome for kidney fibrosis. The best of these protocols still isn’t perfect. In particular there’s still a lot of background fibre staining that needs to be removed. The next step will be to take the best of these protocols and begin altering some of the other variables in the protocol. For example:

  • Staining times
  • Stain concentrations
  • Differentiation time in phosphomolybdic acid
  • Acetic acid treatment after fibre stain
  • Swap phosphomolybdic acid to phosphotungstic acid or use a mix

There’s a lot of variables to play with.

Finally there’s the re-introduction of a nuclear counterstain. Quite a few options exist for this too but that’s something to consider once the fibre and plasma stains are perfect.


Thanks to Irina Grigorieva for input into the protocols and Anne-Catherine Raby for input and supplying the kidney tissue used.

Accompanying data

IN FOCUS: Breaking the Mould: Supersizing Pollen Grains as Gigantic Public Art Sculptures.

Above: A pollen grain from ragweed supersized in eco-friendly natural concrete. The concrete sculpture is one metre in diameter, weighing approximately one and a quarter tonne  – about the same weight as a small car! For comparison, its ‘little brother’, i.e. the source pollen grain it was based upon, was approximately twenty microns in diameter, thus enlarged by a factor of 500,000x. Photo courtesy of Saara Ekström.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that a microscope would be essential to explore the intricate 3D structure of a pollen grain. Well, how about climbing on top of it and exploring it by hand instead? Confused? Please read on.

If you’ve visited this site before then, chances are, you’ll be aware that I enjoy ‘noodling around with pollen’ : )  Over the last seven years,  the Bioimaging hub has developed  and refined methodology that permits  3D printing and both virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR, respectively) visualization of microscopic samples such as pollen grains for use in educational and immersive learning experiences. A direct offshoot of this work has been the development of  what is  currently the largest online repository of 3D pollen grain models worldwide.  To date, I have curated over 170 published, DOI-referenced 3D pollen models from over 150 species of plant which can be downloaded free, for non-commercial usage, via  the Bioimaging Hub’s 3D Pollen Library Collection on the NIH3D website You can read more about the evolution of this resource in the links below (including a recent article I have written for the Royal Microscopical Society In Focus magazine, December edition – to follow).

Recently, the project took another interesting and unexpected evolutionary turn. I was contacted by Finnish visual artist and film maker, Saara Ekström, who pitched to me an amazing idea for a collaboration: gigantifying some of our 3D pollen models as public art sculptures for an elementary school in Helsinki, Finland. The plan was to cast the sculptures in coloured eco-friendly natural concrete at a range of sizes between 0.7  and 2 metres to create a magical ‘Alice in Wonderland’ outdoor learning environment for the children, helping to raise their awareness of the unseen, natural world and fostering an understanding of ‘one of nature’s smallest and most essential components’. An absolutely wonderful idea! 

Above: Concept art for the 3D pollen sculptures courtesy of Saara Ekström.

As part of the project, a protected piece of old-growth forest, purchased from the Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation, will be presented as a gift to the School, thus preserving something that is vitally important to future generations of children and linking the pollen sculptures to this natural ecosystem. Having kids of my own (and ever mindful of the ongoing environmental crisis) I was delighted to support Saara’s ambitious project.  The thought that pollen grains from flowers in my back garden would be reproduced as two metre concrete megaliths nearly two thousand miles away in Helsinki was also simply irresistible! Stonehenge, nothing ; )

Saara identified four pollen species of  interest from our collection: blue passion flower (Passiflora caerulea); common thyme (Thymus vulgaris); black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) and common ragweed (Ambrosia sp.which exhibited strikingly different morphologies and surface ornamentation (see below). Some of the more spiky and ornate pollen grain species (e.g. common daisy, Bellis perennis) in our collection were deliberately avoided since the children would have to be able to climb on them safely without risk of impalement!

Above: the four species of pollen grain to be supersized as concrete sculptures. From left to right: blue passion flower; common thyme; black elderberry and common ragweed. 3D pollen models created by Tony Hayes. The 3D models are available for download for non-commercial usage from the Bioimaging Hub’s 3D Pollen Library collection at NIH3D.

So how does one create a gigantic concrete sculpture of a microscopic pollen grain? Well, this was one of the first things I asked Saara, who was more than happy to explain the steps involved. First, our 3D pollen meshes are downloaded from the NIH3D website and scaled up into virtual models of the sculptures using CAD software, taking care to retain as much surface detail as possible (see below). The pollen grain mesh is also truncated in order to form a flat, stable base (we wouldn’t want them to accidentally roll onto someone’s foot, after all!)

Above: 3D meshes of the pollen grain (Blue passion flower shown here in multiple orientations) are used to program a tool that mechanically carves a negative form into styrofoam thereby forming the casting moulds. Screen grabs courtesy of Saara Ekström.

The meshes are then used to program a tool that mechanically carves a negative form of the 3D models into large, high density styrofoam blocks to create the complementary halves of the casting moulds, as shown below.

Above: The casting moulds (Ragweed pollen shown here) are mechanically carved out of high density styrofoam blocks and are able to record surface detail with high fidelity. A flat base has been introduced into the mould (left panel) to maintain stability of the resultant sculpture. The protruding black cylinders allow the two complementary halves of the mould to be held tightly together during the casting process.  A wheel barrow in the background demonstrates the large scale of the moulds. Photos courtesy of Saara Ekström.

Once the moulds are created, steel reinforcement is incorporated into the cavity to add structural strength to the sculpture. Coloured eco-friendly natural concrete is then cast, using different coloured pigments for each pollen species. Once the concrete has cured, the moulds are removed and (in the words of Saara) ‘Volia, a microscopic pollen grain has grown to nearly monumental proportions!’ 

Above: The unfinished concrete pollen sculptures following removal of the styrofoam moulds. Top panel shows Ragweed pollen, bottom panel shows Thyme pollen. Rebar steel reinforcement can be seen protruding from the base of the thyme pollen sculpture (bottom left). Photos courtesy of Saara Ekström.

The concrete sculptures are then hand finished and a coloured protective coating is added before they are moved to their final destination, the Kallio primary school in Helsinki. At the site they are carefully lowered into place by crane. Rubber protective matting is then installed around each sculpture.

Above: A crane lowers the concrete sculptures into place at the Kallio primary school, Helsinki. Left panel, black elderberry pollen sculpture; centre panel, passionflower pollen sculpture; right panel, some of the concrete sculptures in situ. The precise placement of the sculptures is specified in the artists design. Photos courtesy of Saara Ekström.

Above: The finished pollen sculptures surrounded by rubber safety matting. There are seven sculptures in total in a range of different colours: four of the thyme pollen and one each of the other three  species,. The area will be landscaped with trees and mood lighting to create an inviting ambience. Photos courtesy of Saara Ekström.

As the winters are long and dark in Finland, customised mood lighting will illuminate the sculptures creating a warm and inviting ambience, as depicted in the concept art above. I think it is fair to say that Saara, has done an absolutely monumental job!

The pollen sculptures were commissioned by the City of Helsinki and will be administered by the Helsinki Art Museum who are responsible for all the city’s public art collection.

AJH 25/09/2024


Following installation of Saara’s pollen sculptures, I thought it might be a good idea to provide Kallio primary school with 3D printed models of the same species of pollen so that they could be used as learning resources for their science classes. Although nowhere near as impressive as Saara’s mighty megaliths, the 3D prints can be held and examined by hand for kinaesthetic (i.e. tactile) learning experiences by the children.  

The 3D printed model were supplied with laminated information sheets including the common name of each pollen species in English, Welsh and, of course, Finnish, and a QR code to their respective digital 3D mesh on NIH3D.

We hope they go down well.

Above: 3D printed models of the four different pollen species created for the Kallio primary school, Helsinki. Top panel: the 3D prints before and after finishing (left and right panels, respectively) presented on top of the Zeiss LSM880 confocal microscope used in their creation. Models shown from left to right (with Welsh and Finnish translations in parenthesis): thyme pollen (paill teim, timjamin siitepöly); ragweed pollen (paill bratlys, tuoksukin siitepöly); passion flower pollen (paill blodyn y dioddefaint, kärsimyskukan siitepöly) and black elderberry pollen (paill eirinen ysgaw ddu, mustaseljan siitepöly) Bottom left panel: 3D print of a pollen grain sampled from the passion flower plant growing in my back garden. Bottom right panel: the 3D pollen prints packed up for their journey to the Kallio primary school, Helsinki.

AJH 25/11/2024

Further reading


IN FOCUS: Making the Most of Your Microscope.

Above: A selection of stage plate inserts 3D printed by the Bioimaging Research Hub – links to resources in blog article below.

Hands up if your microscope is badly in need of upgrade or repair but your budget won’t stretch that far? Maybe a new focusing knob to replace the one that just broke off in your hand, or perhaps a new stage plate adapter, reflector cube or filter holder to increase your imaging options? Perhaps a C-mount or smartphone adaptor to give one of your old microscopes a new lease of life? Or even a sample holder or chamber for a bespoke imaging application? What the heck, let’s think big eh? How about a completely new modular microscope system with tile scanning capabilities?

Way too expensive, eh?… Well, imagine for a moment that you could just click a button (or a few buttons, at least) and make it so. If you haven’t yet realised, I’m talking about 3D printing in light microscopy and the life sciences – the subject of a very interesting paper that I recently came across  – see below.

It’s safe to say that 3D printing is changing the way we do things in microscopy, now permitting low-cost upgrade, repair, or customisation of microscopes like never before. There are now a huge selection of 3D printable resources available through websites such as NIH3D, Thingiverse etc that can be used to modify your microscope system or to generate scientific apparatus or labware for upstream sample processing and preparation procedures.

So, to save you trawling through the 3D printing sites in order to identify the most useful designs to meet your histology and imaging needs we’ve done it for you and have curated a list of 3D printable resources which we hope you’ll find useful (below).

AJH 25/05/2023

Further Reading


3D printable resources for histology and light microscopy. Information collated by Dr Tony Hayes, Bioimaging Research Hub, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Wales, UK.

 Sample processing

Sample staining

Sample storage and archiving

 Sample presentation

Microscope: Complete builds

Microscope: Maintenance

Microscope: Phone adapters (a selection)

Microscope: Stands (a selection)

Microscope: Components (generic)

Microscope: Olympus-specific

 Microscopes: Leica-specific

Microscopes: Zeiss-specific

 Microscopes: Nikon-specific

IN FOCUS: AR Palynology: Probing the Reality of Nature/Nature of Reality.

Above: Augmented reality visualisation of pollen grains 3D rendered in gigantic proportions. You wouldn’t want one of these getting stuck up your nose!

Back in 2015 we developed some novel methodology that allowed us to generate 3D printed models from confocal z-stacks of microscopic samples.  At the time, we showcased the technique by making 3D prints of pollen grains from various plant species for use in science education and outreach activities, musing that a physical, tangible model would allow improved 3D conceptualization of these microscopic structures – original blog article here. The work generated a fair amount of interest and resulted in requests for 3D printed models of pollen grains from far and wide (e.g., the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in the US, the UK Met Office, National Botanical Garden of Wales etc). Following publication of our methodology in 2017 other researchers soon followed suit, creating their own 3D printed models from confocal datasets utilizing methods similar to ours. By this time, we had turned our attention to virtual reality (VR) as a tool to experience/manipulate microscopic objects, as well as larger more complex biological models in virtual space – something we saw as a logical  evolution of the 3D learning experience. You can read more about this in a separate blog and see the progress we made in developing the resource via a short video on our YouTube site.

Fast-forward to present, a global pandemic, accelerating environmental change, and a cost-of-living crisis  – the economic fallout from COVID, the folly of Brexit, a war in Ukraine, and gross government incompetence. To borrow a quote from a certain Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, there are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen. Well, quite!

But what of the 3D pollen models? Well, for one, coronaphobia has meant that people are less inclined these days to be handling and passing around shared resources such as plastic pollen models or VR headsets at risk of spreading/contracting germs. Moreover, plastic is increasingly being viewed negatively due to the environmental damage caused by plastics and ‘frivolous’ 3D printing could be seen as increasing the existing plastic problem. Lastly, with the cost-of-living crisis/looming recession, it would seem that no one can afford to do anything other than feed themselves and try to keep warm these days, let alone commission 3D pollen prints from the Bioimaging Hub – particularly since there’s now a growing number of pollen models available through 3D printing sites such as Sketchfab etc. And so, with these concerns in mind, we’ve donned our thinking caps and come up with a plan to address the prevailing zeitgeist.

Firstly, we’ve decided to make our entire repository of 3D pollen models publicly available, free of charge, under a Creative Commons CC-NY-NC licence via the newly developed NIH3D website (formerly the NIH3D print exchange) which is a leading  community-driven portal for sharing and downloading  bioscientific content for 3D printing and interactive 3D visualization. Under the terms of our licence, the models can be used, shared, or modified for non-commercial purposes, as long as the creator(s) are properly credited. To date, we’ve made available 3D models of seventy distinct species of pollen grains and spores through the Bioimaging Hub’s new NIH 3D profile page which have now been curated into a special collection, the 3D Pollen Library We have also included all source data (confocal z-stack files in Carl Zeiss Image .czi file format). To the best of our knowledge, this represents the largest single collection of 3D pollen files available online and the plan is to add more models plus supporting data in future. For cross-referencing, relevant links have been included to major palynological databases, PalDat and the Global Pollen project, and, of course,  Wikipedia – the fount of all knowledge : ) We’ve also showcased a small selection of our pollen models on the Bioimaging Hub’s Sketchfab site – these can’t be downloaded directly, however you can manipulate the models on screen and view them in VR – further information here.

Secondly, we’ve been experimenting with augmented reality (AR) as a tool to allow visualization and exploration of our 3D models in real-world environments. The beauty of AR, of course, is that it doesn’t require a headset,  just a smartphone or tablet which are now more ubiquitous than ever.  Thus, a 3D model in the relevant file format  (usually  .glb or .gltf) can be downloaded directly to an individual’s smartphone or tablet and, using appropriate AR software, seamlessly integrated with real time digital information from the camera for display on the touchscreen. This allows users to personally experience a real environment with generated perceptual information overlaid upon it. Within the AR environment, the models can be scaled up or down, freely moved and rotated via the touchscreen, or circumnavigated and explored both externally and internally via directional information from the device’s sensors, à la Pokemon-GO. This allows for a  highly realistic and immersive interactive experience (different from the artificial environments of VR) thus facilitating 3D conceptualization of the embedded model. Furthermore, freed from the physical encumbrance of a VR headset, the user is less likely to blunder into office furniture, moving traffic etc or experience the nausea, headaches and dizziness of VR-associated cybersickness.

So how does one view our 3D pollen models in AR? Well, it’s quite straightforward really, but to make things even easier I’ve put together a set of instructions (below) that should get you up and running in next to no time:

  1. Install a free AR app on your mobile device (smartphone or tablet) from the Google Play or Apple App stores that handles .glb (GL transmission format binary) files – this is the common standard file format for AR/VR visualisation.  There are quite a lot of AR apps to choose from and we’ve only tested the NeoSpace AR app on android devices but this seems to work quite well.
  2. Go to the Bioimaging Hub’s NIH 3D webpage – link here – select a 3D pollen model, and then click on the DOWNLOAD option. You will then see a list of  the files that we’ve made available for download (refer to screenshot below). These include:
  •  .glb file format for AR/VR applications (available as both zipped and unzipped files).
  • .stl (stereolithography, .wrl (‘worlds’ virtual reality modelling) and x3d file formats for 3D printing applications.
  • source confocal data in .czi (Carl Zeiss Image) file format (zipped file).

  1. For AR viewing, download the .glb file to your mobile device (if zipped then extract the compressed file).
  2. Open the .glb file in the AR viewer app and follow the on-screen instructions. Initially you’ll have to scan your environment with the camera on your smartphone/tablet so that the app can identify a flat surface in order to place the 3D model into your display.

If you’ve done it correctly then you should now be able to view any of our 3D pollen models in whatever context your imagination, mobile device and AR app allows. Below are some examples  of the type of AR imagery that we’ve generated using a free android AR app.

Above:  Video sequence captured from an  android smartphone running the free AR app, NeoSpace.  The 3D pollen model can be zoomed, freely moved and rotated via touchscreen and also circumnavigated and explored both externally and internally via directional information from the device’s sensors.

Above: Attack of the giant pollen grains! Photo-realistic AR imagery generated using an android smartphone and the NeoSpace AR app.

We’d love to get some feedback with photos or videos showing how you have used our pollen models for 3D printing, or AR/VR applications in science education and outreach. Please keep us updated via our twitter account @cubioimaginghub. Best of luck!

AJH, November, 2022 (updated March 2023).


Further reading:

NEWS: New BIOSI Live Cell Imaging Spoke

Above: Spinning disc confocal microscope set up in the new BIOSI live cell imaging spoke

A dedicated live  cell imaging spoke has been set up in the Sir Martin Evans Building (BIOSI; E/3.15). The microscopy suite has inverted widefield, scanning and spinning disc confocal microscopes with full environmental control systems. Further information available through Pete Watson.

AJH 08/04/2022


CORE EQUIPMENT: New Zeiss Celldiscoverer 7 system

Above: Training on the Bioimaging Hub’s new Zeiss Celldiscover7 imaging system

The Bioimaging Hub has recently taken delivery of a state-of-the-art, automated  live cell imaging system to replace its old Leica SP2 confocal microscope. The Celldiscoverer7 imaging system, which was purchased via the generous support of Cardiff University’s Research Infrastructure Fund (Lead Applicant: Dr Tony Hayes), has the latest Zeiss LSM 900 confocal scan head with Airyscan 2 detector technology and is capable of multi-format, high-throughput and super-resolution analysis of a wide range of samples from cell cultures to small model organisms. The system supports photomanipulation via FRAP, FRET and related techniques and is furnished with a comprehensive Zen software package that includes modules for deconvolution and machine learning, amongst other cutting edge features. Further details of the system are available through the Bioimaging Hub’s research equipment database.


Find out more:

NEWS: Updated Covid Rules: Resumption of Hands-on Support and Training.

A huge and heartfelt thank you to all users and support staff of the Bioimaging Hub for your strict adherence to our covid security measures over the last 12 months. It has been an extremely difficult year for all of us and we have tried to manage the situation as effectively and as safely as possible, working within the security framework provided by Cardiff University and Welsh government.

In line with the latest guidance, we are pleased to now begin relaxing some of our covid security measures and to be in a position where we can reintroduce direct hands-on support and training for our microscope systems.  To facilitate this provision, it remains vitally important that users follow the new guidance protocols, as detailed below.

Before entering the Bioimaging Hub:

  • All users must familiarize themselves with current Welsh Government Coronavirus (Covid-19) Guidance and read the Bioimaging Hub’s updated Coronavirus risk assessment.
  • Users must not visit the Bioimaging Hub if they are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19; if they have been in a high risk area; or had recent contact with a covid-positive individual without confirmation of a negative test result.
  • All users are advised to make regular use of the Cardiff University covid screening service  or to utilise rapid flow testing methodology that is now widely available through the NHS and pharmacies.

Room occupancy status and technical support/training:

  • Room occupancy status has now increased to two independent users/two research bubbles per microscopy suite, up to a maximum of four people per microscopy suite in total.
  • Direct hands-on training and support for our microscope systems will now resume under social distancing rules and with PPE including face coverings.

COVID working Regulations within the Bioimaging Research Hub:

  • Users should continue to use the room booking calendars and should specify which microscope system they require in the title section of the booking request (i.e., specify user name and microscope system). Booking details here.
  • Social distancing rules remain in place within all areas of the Bioimaging Hub.
  • PPE remains mandatory including the use of face coverings in all communal areas.
  • Microscope cleaning procedures before and after use remain mandatory.
  • Histology sample drop-offs and collections should continue to be arranged via email (bioimaginghub@cardiff.ac.uk).


AJH 28.9.2021

IN-FOCUS: Brushing Up On Your Background Knowledge.

With the dizzying pace of technological innovation and ongoing advances in microscopy and imaging, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep abreast current developments in the field. With this in mind, we’ve rounded up some essential resources, from basic to advanced, that will keep you informed and updated.

Online magazines & journals:

Educational portals:


SPOKE EQUIPMENT: Olympus VS200 High Throughput Slide Scanning Microscope.

Above: the new Olympus VS200 high throughput slide scanning system in ECSCRI

A new, high throughput slide scanning system has recently been installed in the European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute (ECSCRI) and is available for use as a spoke of the Bioimaging Research Hub. The equipment allows automated high-throughput scanning of histological samples via a range of image modalities, including epifluorescence. Further details of the system are available through the Hub’s equipment database. All enquiries for this system should be directed towards Mr Mark Bishop.

Further Reading: