IN-FOCUS: Microscopy and Analysis Journal: A Useful Resource for Microscopists.

I can see why Microscopy and Analysis is the leading international journal for microscopists – it’s  chock-full of interesting articles, features and news on all things related to microscopy and imaging. More to the point, it’s free to individuals who purchase, specify or approve microscopical, analytical and or/imaging equipment at their place of work. The journal is published six times per year, in January, March, May, July, September, and November. There are also several supplements published periodically, which include publications devoted to special events, trade shows and specific areas of microscopy and imaging. The journal is available in print,  or can be viewed online in an interactive format, or via a downloadable app. We also have lots and lots of back issues available within the Bioimaging Unit, which you are welcome to peruse on your next visit!