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Remote teaching tips: Using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

Remote teaching tips: Using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

Posted on 2 April 2020 by cesi

With the recent drastic changes to teaching over the past few weeks, Nicola Harris, Director of Learning and Teaching in the School of Law and Politics, has written some pointers […]

Charis: My Student Engagement placement with CESI

Charis: My Student Engagement placement with CESI

Posted on 27 March 2020 by cesi

Charis is in her third year studying Business Management at Cardiff University. She's currently undertaking her placement year as a Student Engagement Assistant with the Centre for Education Support and […]

The Second Cardiff University Coleg Cymraeg Branch Research Symposium

The Second Cardiff University Coleg Cymraeg Branch Research Symposium

Posted on 5 March 2020 by cesi

From otters to law, from discovering new medicines to Welsh literature, it was evident at the 2nd Cardiff University Coleg Cymraeg Branch Research Symposium that there isn’t any discipline that […]

Ail Symposiwm Ymchwil Cangen Prifysgol Caerdydd o’r Coleg Cymraeg

Ail Symposiwm Ymchwil Cangen Prifysgol Caerdydd o’r Coleg Cymraeg

Posted on 5 March 2020 by cesi

O ddyfrgwn i’r gyfraith, o driniaethau meddygol i lên Cymru, cafwyd tystiolaeth ddiymwad yn 2il Symposiwm Ymchwil Cangen Prifysgol Caerdydd o’r Coleg Cymraeg nad oes bellach yr un ddisgyblaeth na […]

Erasmus+ scheme and visit at Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen – part 2 | Cynllun Erasmus+ ac ymweliad â Phrifysgol Dechnegol Denmarc, Copenhagen – rhan 2

Erasmus+ scheme and visit at Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen – part 2 | Cynllun Erasmus+ ac ymweliad â Phrifysgol Dechnegol Denmarc, Copenhagen – rhan 2

Posted on 7 March 2019 by Martin Nosek

Rhan 2/2 | Part 2/ 2 *Fersiwn Cymraeg isod | Welsh version below* Rhan 1 | Part 1 Digital Education: Similarly to Cardiff’s “Way Forward” education strategy, DTU has their […]

Erasmus+ scheme and visit at Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen – part 1|Cynllun Erasmus+ ac ymweliad â Phrifysgol Dechnegol Denmarc, Copenhagen – rhan 1

Erasmus+ scheme and visit at Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen – part 1|Cynllun Erasmus+ ac ymweliad â Phrifysgol Dechnegol Denmarc, Copenhagen – rhan 1

Posted on 18 February 2019 by Martin Nosek

Rhan 1/2 | Part 1/ 2 *Fersiwn Cymraeg isod | Welsh version below*Rhan 2 | Part 2 Inspired by our very own Marianna who visited Leiden University in the Netherlands […]

Swansea University VR / AR conference 2018 | Cynhadledd Rhith-wirionedd (VR) a Realiti Estynedig (AR) 2018 Prifysgol Abertawe

Swansea University VR / AR conference 2018 | Cynhadledd Rhith-wirionedd (VR) a Realiti Estynedig (AR) 2018 Prifysgol Abertawe

Posted on 30 October 2018 by Owen Crawford

*Fersiwn Cymraeg isod | Welsh version below* In this blog post I’ll highlight three interesting sessions from the Swansea University VR / AR conference that I attended recently.  Due to […]

ALTc 2018 Conference Reflections / Myfyrdodau ynghylch Cynhadledd ALTc 2018

ALTc 2018 Conference Reflections / Myfyrdodau ynghylch Cynhadledd ALTc 2018

Posted on 29 October 2018 by Dewi Parry

by Karl Luke Thanks to the UCISA 2018 bursary scheme, I recently attended the Association of Learning Technology (ALT) Conference 2018 in Manchester. This post shares some themes and highlights […]

The importance of reflecting on our digital practice | Pwysigrwydd myfyrio ar ein harferion digidol

The importance of reflecting on our digital practice | Pwysigrwydd myfyrio ar ein harferion digidol

Posted on 14 August 2018 by Dewi Parry

by Chloe Reid, Student Engagement Intern. As a new intern within the Centre of Education Support and Innovation, I was pleased to be given the chance to attend a conference led by […]

My Summer Internship with the CESI | Fy Interniaeth Haf gyda CESI

My Summer Internship with the CESI | Fy Interniaeth Haf gyda CESI

Posted on 9 August 2018 by Gethin Rowlands

by Tom Martin  *Fersiwn Cymraeg isod | Welsh version below* Hello/Shwmae! My name is Tom, and I have recently undertaken an internship with the Centre for Education Support and Innovation […]