Embarking on your academic journey at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Culture can be both exciting and slightly overwhelming, especially when it comes to navigating the intricate layout […]
The time of our lives while at university involves many changes - our first taste of independence, looking after ourselves, new relationships, managing our finances and considering what careers we […]
Beginning a new academic year can be a nerve-racking time. You may be moving to new accommodation, nervous to learn challenging content, be missing some of your friends who have […]
Moving or returning to uni can be an exciting time, filled with new things. This includes a new student flat, which comes as pretty standard and impersonal, not helping with […]
Being a student can be a fun and exciting time, full of rich experiences and making memories. However, there is a less talked about side of being a student, the […]
A big focus at university is the nightlife. Although it's not for everyone, it's easy to find yourself pushing beyond your limits to meet other people's night-out quotas or fit […]
Living in a place like Cardiff, especially in your first year, teaches you a lot about new cultures, new experiences, new feelings and so much more. If like me, you […]
For many young people, university is the first taste of adulthood. To move out of home for the first time and spread your wings, this can involve travel. Especially for […]
Starting university can be scary, and that is okay! One thing to keep in mind is that everyone is in the same boat, even when others are not showing it. […]