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Preparing for the second year of uni

Preparing for the second year of uni

Posted on 12 August 2022 by Sunaina

And as usual, another batch has graduated and left uni and another is about to begin their journey. But for those in the middle, especially us who have just completed […]

The Best Areas to Find Part Time Work as a Cardiff University Student

Posted on 30 July 2022 by Henry

Money and more importantly, the lack of money is an issue that affects students throughout their studies at university. Therefore, part time work is something that most Cardiff University students […]

A Guide to the Best Beaches to Visit in and around Cardiff

Posted on 30 July 2022 by Henry

With summer quickly approaching and Cardiff is filled with sunshine many students across the country dream of a quick trip to the beach. Well luckily for Cardiff students there are […]

Making the most of Cardiff’s Student Union

Making the most of Cardiff’s Student Union

Posted on 14 June 2022 by Pui Kuan

The students’ union (SU) really is the beating heart of Cardiff University student life. From concerts to food to a relaxing study area, the SU has it all. Below are […]

4 student discounts you should get as a Uni student

4 student discounts you should get as a Uni student

Posted on 9 June 2022 by Pui Kuan

One of the best things about being a student is the immense number of discounts you have access to, making living as a student financially slightly easier. Apart from the […]

The Pagoda Projects Internship Experience (Remote)

The Pagoda Projects Internship Experience (Remote)

Posted on 7 June 2022 by Pui Kuan

As a student, you will likely be looking to gain work experience over the summer, and often this will be an internship. Internships are a way to gain insight and […]

Student Media: What Opportunities Quench Can Afford You

Student Media: What Opportunities Quench Can Afford You

Posted on 24 May 2022 by Pui Kuan

It is true when they say to make the most of your time at university, to reap all the benefits that the institution can offer you. From the perspective of […]

Amazing Food Places In Cardiff

Amazing Food Places In Cardiff

Posted on 14 May 2022 by Sunaina

Ever felt so lazy to cook yet you’re starving? Don’t worry it’s not just you, so many people feel this especially when bummed with a lot of work or busy […]

Cardiff University Jobshop

Posted on 26 April 2022 by Maheen Chishti

Undergraduate or Graduate students are always on the lookout for part-time job opportunities or flexible work assignments that they can do alongside their studies to earn some extra money or […]

Beyond South Wales Medical Placements: Traveling there and back

Beyond South Wales Medical Placements: Traveling there and back

Posted on 28 November 2021 by Nick

Many prospective medical students of Cardiff University will have noted the various opportunities to experience clinical placement across Wales in a multitude of hospitals and GP surgeries, but what's it […]