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How Can International Students Elevate English Proficiency at Cardiff University?

How Can International Students Elevate English Proficiency at Cardiff University?

Posted on 9 November 2023 by Lydia

Going to Cardiff University for an international education is an exciting challenge, especially for those who aren't native English speakers. You'll be happy to know that the university is diverse, […]

Exploring Cardiff Students’ Union: Diverse and Exciting University Societies

Exploring Cardiff Students’ Union: Diverse and Exciting University Societies

Posted on 8 November 2023 by Lydia

As a student ambassador blogger at Cardiff University, I am excited to showcase the vibrant tapestry of campus life. In this virtual exploration, I will not only delve into the […]

Hostel top tips for Cardiff University students looking to spread their wings

Hostel top tips for Cardiff University students looking to spread their wings

Posted on 6 November 2023 by Jasmine

Travelling at any age can be a life-changing experience, but travelling while you're young and taking advantage of long summers from university is an opportunity that every university student should […]

Embracing World Mental Health Day: Comprehensive Health and Wellbeing Support at Cardiff University

Embracing World Mental Health Day: Comprehensive Health and Wellbeing Support at Cardiff University

Posted on 18 October 2023 by Lydia

On this World Mental Health Day, let's not only celebrate Cardiff University's academic and career support but also shine a light on its profound commitment to the health and wellbeing […]

Discovering Cardiff: My Journey to Choosing Cardiff University for School of Journalism, Media and Culture

Discovering Cardiff: My Journey to Choosing Cardiff University for School of Journalism, Media and Culture

Posted on 18 October 2023 by Lydia

As the doors to Cardiff University's 24 autumn academic year swing open for autumn admissions, I find myself reflecting on a decision made with unwavering determination—a decision that, in retrospect, […]

My Mamma Mia summer and the existential dread of growing up

My Mamma Mia summer and the existential dread of growing up

Posted on 27 September 2023 by Jasmine

The time of our lives while at university involves many changes - our first taste of independence, looking after ourselves, new relationships, managing our finances and considering what careers we […]

Things that I am excited about for the next academic year – and you should be too!

Things that I am excited about for the next academic year – and you should be too!

Posted on 11 September 2023 by Jasmine

Beginning a new academic year can be a nerve-racking time. You may be moving to new accommodation, nervous to learn challenging content, be missing some of your friends who have […]

What do we want to get out of travel as students?

What do we want to get out of travel as students?

Posted on 26 July 2023 by Jasmine

For many young people, university is the first taste of adulthood. To move out of home for the first time and spread your wings, this can involve travel. Especially for […]

A guide to funding for summer programs

A guide to funding for summer programs

Posted on 29 June 2023 by Jasmine

Did you know that every Cardiff University student is eligible for funding to spend time abroad on a global opportunities-approved programme throughout their degree? You can only receive this funding […]

Making use of the summer break if you have not managed to get work experience

Making use of the summer break if you have not managed to get work experience

Posted on 8 June 2023 by Jasmine

As students, we are fortunate to have a sprawling summer break to enjoy which can come with a level of stress for those wanting to make the most of their […]