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Advice for Students

Pointers to help you pick your accommodation

Pointers to help you pick your accommodation

Posted on 10 February 2023 by Muskaan

Moving to University comes with a whirlwind of decisions and one of the most important ones is deciding where to live! And fairly so, since a huge chunk of our […]

Student life with new housemates

Student life with new housemates

Posted on 2 February 2023 by Shrankhla

As a Postgraduate international student, the idea of staying and sharing with unfamiliar people from a whole different culture is unsettling. Despite the fact that everything has a blessing, the […]

7 signs that you might be experiencing burn-out

7 signs that you might be experiencing burn-out

Posted on 31 January 2023 by Aishwarya

Many of us tend to push ourselves to the limit by working more than what we can handle. Workaholics often experience this problem because they usually tend to be perfectionists […]

Reasons to pick Talybont accommodation in your first year

Reasons to pick Talybont accommodation in your first year

Posted on 31 January 2023 by Muskaan

As first-year students, we are bound to get overwhelmed with options and choices due to the sheer amount of decisions we make before and after coming to university! Selecting where […]

5 things to do during your exam study breaks

5 things to do during your exam study breaks

Posted on 25 January 2023 by Lillian

Exam season can sometimes change us into a different person. Though academic study is the reason we are here, we are still humans who need a break to just be […]

Top Tips For Making the Most of University Life in Winter

Top Tips For Making the Most of University Life in Winter

Posted on 25 January 2023 by Jasmine

During the long dark days as we start the new year (and that time in the semester when there are mounting deadlines), it is important to appreciate the good parts […]

Getting Through the January Slump

Getting Through the January Slump

Posted on 23 January 2023 by Caitlin

The January Blues are absolutely a real thing – going back to work, uni, whatever it is, after Christmas is tough. Between the buzz of Christmas being over so quickly, […]

5 tips if you are struggling with the new year

5 tips if you are struggling with the new year

Posted on 18 January 2023 by Lillian

  More often than not, the new year is seen as an amazing time to reflect on the past year and create new goals for the year to come. But […]

International Students! These 5 resources by Cardiff Uni will make your freshers’ week smoother

International Students! These 5 resources by Cardiff Uni will make your freshers’ week smoother

Posted on 31 August 2022 by Kasvi

Freshers’ Week as a new student is full of excitement and adrenaline rushes but the anticipation of starting your uni journey can be nerve-wrecking, especially if you are international student […]

4 things to remember while packing for uni — an international student’s POV

4 things to remember while packing for uni — an international student’s POV

Posted on 30 August 2022 by Kasvi

Having recently graduated, I have been nostalgic not only about my adventures at Cardiff University but also about the time I spent preparing for the past three years. Being an […]