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Advice for Students

Top Tips For Making the Most of University Life in Winter

Top Tips For Making the Most of University Life in Winter

Posted on 25 January 2023 by Jasmine

During the long dark days as we start the new year (and that time in the semester when there are mounting deadlines), it is important to appreciate the good parts […]

Getting Through the January Slump

Getting Through the January Slump

Posted on 23 January 2023 by Caitlin

The January Blues are absolutely a real thing – going back to work, uni, whatever it is, after Christmas is tough. Between the buzz of Christmas being over so quickly, […]

5 tips if you are struggling with the new year

5 tips if you are struggling with the new year

Posted on 18 January 2023 by Lillian

  More often than not, the new year is seen as an amazing time to reflect on the past year and create new goals for the year to come. But […]

International Students! These 5 resources by Cardiff Uni will make your freshers’ week smoother

International Students! These 5 resources by Cardiff Uni will make your freshers’ week smoother

Posted on 31 August 2022 by Kasvi

Freshers’ Week as a new student is full of excitement and adrenaline rushes but the anticipation of starting your uni journey can be nerve-wrecking, especially if you are international student […]

4 things to remember while packing for uni — an international student’s POV

4 things to remember while packing for uni — an international student’s POV

Posted on 30 August 2022 by Kasvi

Having recently graduated, I have been nostalgic not only about my adventures at Cardiff University but also about the time I spent preparing for the past three years. Being an […]

Mental Health Support

Mental Health Support

Posted on 23 August 2022 by Kat (She/They)

University life can feel very difficult and daunting which can lead to our mental health being negatively impacted. This is especially true if you’re an international student or LGBT+ as […]

News Journalism: Production day roles

News Journalism: Production day roles

Posted on 17 August 2022 by Rowenna

Production days can be fun as a reporter, but you also have the opportunity to try out many different newsroom roles. I recommend doing them all as it gives you […]

News Journalism: NCTJ Public Affairs

News Journalism: NCTJ Public Affairs

Posted on 17 August 2022 by Rowenna

At the beginning of the year you will be told to buy the McNaes Public affairs text book – this is your bible for this exam. Unlike the other pathways, […]

Top Tips For English Literature Students!

Posted on 15 August 2022 by Henry

As an English Literature student at both postgraduate and undergraduate level there has been plenty of advice that I wish I had been given throughout the last four years. Studying […]

Preparing for the second year of uni

Preparing for the second year of uni

Posted on 12 August 2022 by Sunaina

And as usual, another batch has graduated and left uni and another is about to begin their journey. But for those in the middle, especially us who have just completed […]