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Service Improvement

Carrots, Sticks and Buckets of Time Tricks

Carrots, Sticks and Buckets of Time Tricks

Posted on 5 May 2022 by

One of the difficult jobs of any leader is to get people to do something differently or to get them to do what you need them to do.  If only […]

The Great Pandemic Pause

The Great Pandemic Pause

Posted on 4 April 2022 by

At the beginning of the pandemic I wrote a remarkably positive (particularly for me) blog about how I could see that necessity was triggering a miraculous transformation in services.  The […]

Vaccine Lean

Vaccine Lean

Posted on 29 December 2021 by

I was absolutely delighted to receive my 3rd ‘booster’ vaccine a couple of weeks ago. Having been tremendously grateful for 2 x AstraZenecas, I have to confess that for my […]

Chief Letters of Complaint Officer

Chief Letters of Complaint Officer

Posted on 6 December 2021 by

There are few things that I appreciate more in life than writing a complaint letter. It’s not that I’m looking for opportunities to write them, not at all, it’s just […]

My Big Lean Head

My Big Lean Head

Posted on 5 October 2021 by

I’ve written several blogs where I have been quite open and honest about my big lean head. To experience this phenomenon you might like to revisit ‘Urgh, serve pizza faster! […]

Brain Training

Brain Training

Posted on 4 May 2021 by

When I was pregnant, I turned down a couple of offers to speak at different international conferences because I didn’t want to fly. Not that there is any evidence to […]

Searching for a Sign or a Signal

Searching for a Sign or a Signal

Posted on 1 March 2021 by

As I’m writing this, it’s St David’s Day in Wales, this morning I sent my little girl off to School in her Welsh Lady costume and felt compelled to go […]

Visual Management in a COVID 19 World

Visual Management in a COVID 19 World

Posted on 29 June 2020 by

I’ve written before about how committing to Lean Thinking can be quite a painful endeavour.  Constantly seeking out improvements can be quite lonely, unwittingly alienating colleagues wherever you go. There are […]

Every Covid Cloud Has A Silver Lining?

Every Covid Cloud Has A Silver Lining?

Posted on 1 June 2020 by

What strange, uncertain and frankly terrifying times we are all living in. The world feels like it’s completely falling apart. In amidst a sea of uncertainty, injustice and heartbreak all […]

Small is Beautiful

Small is Beautiful

Posted on 2 December 2019 by

Unfortunately, as we come to the end of the year, it just feels like there are so many huge things that we still all have to deal with.  I have to […]