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Sarah Lethbridge

Sarah Lethbridge

Pro Dean of External Engagement

Latest posts

If Innovation is the ‘Next Big Thing’, where does that leave Lean?

If Innovation is the ‘Next Big Thing’, where does that leave Lean?

Posted on 5 February 2019 by

Sarah Lethbridge and Maneesh Kumar As a lean devotee, it is very easy for me to answer the question “How lean can we go” with “all the way …. naturally!” […]

Cafés, Restaurants and Lean

Posted on 5 February 2019 by

Lean moves through sectors in waves.   It can safely be declared that the most mature application of lean thinking is within the automotive industry, the industry where it all began! Other […]

Services and Standards: Stand Off or Stand Up?

Posted on 5 February 2019 by

“To understand Toyota’s success, you have to unravel the paradox – you have to see that the rigid specification is the very thing that makes the flexibility and creativity possible” […]

Economies of Scale vs. Economies of Flow

Posted on 24 October 2018 by

Often when I’m teaching, I find myself skulking amongst the middle ground of contrasting ideas. Sometimes I’m even perilously perched atop of a massive fence dividing two opinions. Sometimes I’m […]

Be Honest About the Gas Tanks – Openness and Customer Visibility

Posted on 18 September 2018 by

There’s something magical about businesses which understand that if you prioritise customer experience, the customers will come. Obviously this is a very simplistic way to look at the intricacies of […]

Human or Chatbot? Declare Yourself!

Posted on 23 March 2018 by

I’m watching the television right now and after the advert break the programme titles return and a large letter P looms in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Now […]


Posted on 23 March 2018 by

I heard the letters G, D, P and R together for the first time in April 2017 at a Breakfast Briefing that the Business School organised about the DVLA’s digital […]

Right to Left Technology Thinking

Posted on 23 March 2018 by

One of the first things I learned when I joined the Lean Enterprise Research Centre (LERC) in 2005 was the power of understanding that, as work is completed in organizations, […]

The Intangible Balance Scorecard

Posted on 23 March 2018 by

Since Robert Kaplan and David Norton’s hugely successful Balance Scorecard approach to strategic business management, first published in the Harvard Business Review in 1992, organizations have sought to measure a […]

Creating Organizational Cultures of Learning – Linked Learning Loops

Posted on 23 March 2018 by

“The trouble with us is that we’ve got no corporate memory.” I’ve heard this statement in various forms from a variety of different people I’ve worked with over the years. […]