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things to do at cardiff

Best breakfast spots in Cardiff

Best breakfast spots in Cardiff

Posted on 6 March 2023 by Jasmine

Not being known for its café scene perhaps as well as nearby cities such as Bristol, Cardiff is actually host to many great café spots, offering delicious breakfast options. Perfect […]

Top Tips For Making the Most of University Life in Winter

Top Tips For Making the Most of University Life in Winter

Posted on 25 January 2023 by Jasmine

During the long dark days as we start the new year (and that time in the semester when there are mounting deadlines), it is important to appreciate the good parts […]

Top 10 Student Valentines Ideas

Top 10 Student Valentines Ideas

Posted on 13 February 2020 by Rowenna

It’s that time of the year again, and you’re lucky enough to have a significant other. The day is yours, but what are you going to do to make the most out of it? […]

10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Fresher Self

10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Fresher Self

Posted on 28 January 2020 by Rowenna

First year can seem so daunting, moving away from home and your parents. Having to look after yourself and be an adult all while juggling a degree – A-levels were […]

The Country Bumpkin Guide to Cardiff

The Country Bumpkin Guide to Cardiff

Posted on 28 January 2020 by Rowenna

So, you’re a self-confessed country-bumpkin, the trees and seas of home are calling, and you don’t know how to satisfy your need for nature. The adjustment can be hard, but […]

Why Cardiff?

Why Cardiff?

Posted on 11 March 2019 by Phoebe

When in my first year of sixth form, we had lots of talks about what to do next, how to find your perfect university and were encouraged to look round […]

My Final Year as an undergraduate at Cardiff University

My Final Year as an undergraduate at Cardiff University

Posted on 29 September 2018 by Gee

As I currently do not know where I shall be studying my master’s degree next year, this present academic year at Cardiff University is my last! I am a third […]