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Things to do in Cardiff

LGBT+ Friendly Societies: CU Pride

LGBT+ Friendly Societies: CU Pride

Posted on 30 June 2022 by Kat (She/They)

One of the greater challenges of settling in university is finding activities to do and friends to do them with. This is especially true when you’ve moved to Cardiff from […]

Fun Places to go in Cardiff

Fun Places to go in Cardiff

Posted on 24 June 2022 by Sunaina

Staying home can get extremely boring and overwhelming at times. You may have tried doing things like cooking, maybe some drawing, art, playing cards with friends yet still bored. After […]

Study-abroad in Cardiff and around the World

Study-abroad in Cardiff and around the World

Posted on 28 May 2022 by Sunaina

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to study in another university? The different experiences, people, and activities that you will encounter enabling you to have a whole […]

The best picnic spots for students in Cardiff

The best picnic spots for students in Cardiff

Posted on 27 May 2022 by James

With summer rapidly approaching, students in Cardiff are moving their social activities ever more outside, whether that be long walks, beer gardens, or finishing that reading book for your seminar […]

Where To Enjoy Theatre In Cardiff

Where To Enjoy Theatre In Cardiff

Posted on 20 May 2022 by Pui Kuan

With London a few hours away, you might find yourself looking for theatre options locally in Cardiff to avoid the long commute. Indeed, the city does have plenty of options […]

The Many Cinemas of Cardiff

The Many Cinemas of Cardiff

Posted on 19 May 2022 by Pui Kuan

The moviegoing experience is a special one, and is a relatively inexpensive way of escaping reality for a couple of hours. Amid all the stresses that come along with your […]

Amazing Food Places In Cardiff

Amazing Food Places In Cardiff

Posted on 14 May 2022 by Sunaina

Ever felt so lazy to cook yet you’re starving? Don’t worry it’s not just you, so many people feel this especially when bummed with a lot of work or busy […]

The “Inside Out” festival experience

The “Inside Out” festival experience

Posted on 9 May 2022 by James

Every so often the fields of Bute Park are transformed into a festival of music and frivolity, with huge names coming to perform and DJ in front of thousands of […]

A day out at Cardiff Castle

A day out at Cardiff Castle

Posted on 4 May 2022 by James

As the most historic location in the Welsh capital, Cardiff Castle lies at the cultural heart of the city, being only a 15 minute walk away for most students living […]

A guide to the public houses of Cathays

A guide to the public houses of Cathays

Posted on 25 April 2022 by James

Whether you are organising a social for your sports society, or just want a change of scene after spending the day in the library, the pubs of Cathays are a […]