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After University

Navigating the UK Job Market: Essential Tips for International Students

Navigating the UK Job Market: Essential Tips for International Students

Posted on 11 September 2023 by Shrankhla

For international graduates like myself, the transition from the familiar halls of Cardiff University to the competitive and demanding world of the UK job market is a journey full of […]

A reflection on the upheaval of being a student

A reflection on the upheaval of being a student

Posted on 29 August 2023 by Jasmine

Being a student can be a fun and exciting time, full of rich experiences and making memories. However, there is a less talked about side of being a student, the […]

What do we want to get out of travel as students?

What do we want to get out of travel as students?

Posted on 26 July 2023 by Jasmine

For many young people, university is the first taste of adulthood. To move out of home for the first time and spread your wings, this can involve travel. Especially for […]

Best places for a walk while on a study break

Best places for a walk while on a study break

Posted on 29 June 2023 by Jasmine

In the wake of the recent high temperatures and 21st June 2023 being the first day of summer, this blog aims to give you a guide on where to enjoy […]

A Cardiff student budget

A Cardiff student budget

Posted on 17 March 2023 by Jasmine

Especially in a cost-of-living crisis, having a reliable budget is important for students to avoid unnecessary debt during their studies. The key aim is to be aware of your purchases, […]

Life skills to develop while at university

Life skills to develop while at university

Posted on 1 March 2023 by Jasmine

With stories about the value of undergraduate degrees falling and competition from other qualifications, such as those achieved from apprenticeships, it is especially important for those who opt to go […]

Fun Places to go in Cardiff (Part 2)

Fun Places to go in Cardiff (Part 2)

Posted on 7 July 2022 by Sunaina

If you haven't read part 1 of this blog, make sure to check it out here. But here are more places to visit in Cardiff and around for the summer […]

Fun Places to go in Cardiff

Fun Places to go in Cardiff

Posted on 24 June 2022 by Sunaina

Staying home can get extremely boring and overwhelming at times. You may have tried doing things like cooking, maybe some drawing, art, playing cards with friends yet still bored. After […]

A Graduate’s Guide To Cardiff’s ‘Your Career Journey’ Site

A Graduate’s Guide To Cardiff’s ‘Your Career Journey’ Site

Posted on 11 June 2022 by Pui Kuan

It’s true when they say to take advantage of all the career guidance, resources, and support at university. Ultimately, it is a step close to the working world, and you’ll […]

Student Futures at Cardiff University

Student Futures at Cardiff University

Posted on 20 January 2022 by Miah

Watch my video all about Student Futures at Cardiff University. Cardiff University provides lots of help with CVs, internships and more! My YouTube video -  Click here to view the […]