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My Big Lean Head

My Big Lean Head

Posted on 5 October 2021 by

I’ve written several blogs where I have been quite open and honest about my big lean head. To experience this phenomenon you might like to revisit ‘Urgh, serve pizza faster! […]

Brain Training

Brain Training

Posted on 4 May 2021 by

When I was pregnant, I turned down a couple of offers to speak at different international conferences because I didn’t want to fly. Not that there is any evidence to […]

Searching for a Sign or a Signal

Searching for a Sign or a Signal

Posted on 1 March 2021 by

As I’m writing this, it’s St David’s Day in Wales, this morning I sent my little girl off to School in her Welsh Lady costume and felt compelled to go […]

Had Enough of W.F.H.

Had Enough of W.F.H.

Posted on 6 October 2020 by

I read this blog post by Paul Gilbert over the weekend and it really resonated with me.  Your best bet is to read the post yourself, but to crudely summarise, he […]

Testing, Testing … (for Covid 19)

Testing, Testing … (for Covid 19)

Posted on 3 August 2020 by

Anyone who has heard me talk about lean would have no doubt heard me declare that I had a revelation about what lean is truly about quite a few years into being […]

Visual Management in a COVID 19 World

Visual Management in a COVID 19 World

Posted on 29 June 2020 by

I’ve written before about how committing to Lean Thinking can be quite a painful endeavour.  Constantly seeking out improvements can be quite lonely, unwittingly alienating colleagues wherever you go. There are […]

Every Covid Cloud Has A Silver Lining?

Every Covid Cloud Has A Silver Lining?

Posted on 1 June 2020 by

What strange, uncertain and frankly terrifying times we are all living in. The world feels like it’s completely falling apart. In amidst a sea of uncertainty, injustice and heartbreak all […]

5 Counter Intuitive Elements of Lean

Posted on 26 April 2020 by

(or Lean is Weird) Relatively early in the lockdown, when the usually ever-bountiful supermarkets were ransacked by worried shoppers, leaving aisle upon aisle of bare shelves, criticisms of lean began […]

Citizen Lethbridge

Citizen Lethbridge

Posted on 1 March 2020 by

I’m sitting in a café waiting to go to the TedX Cardiff Conference co-organised by one of our associates Richard Strudwick with the support of the Cardiff School of Journalism, […]

The Generation Game

The Generation Game

Posted on 2 February 2020 by

There are lots of pivotal statements that are said to you in your life, that somehow or other, make it onto the great ‘statements I will never forget’ stone tablet […]