Whilst studying at university, many students find part time work or an alternative stream of income to help financially support their university experience. Whether this is to assist with meeting […]
In any given student’s university experience, there are a few events whose exclusivity and grandiose nature make them stand out from every other evening out. Once a semester, Cardiff hosts […]
University open days are a great opportunity to explore the university and city that you will be living in. It is important that you explore as many things as possible […]
Every once in a while in Cardiff, the rain clouds disappear and the warm hue of summer begins to appear on the horizon. Such sunshine interrupts the regular schedules of […]
My dream was always to finish my undergraduate degree and go on to do the News Journalism masters at Cardiff. The course is amazing; Cardiff’s Journalism pathways are the […]
As an international student coming to Cardiff for the first time, I had no knowledge of the country, the city, or the university. Many students choose to live in halls […]
Being a first year can be daunting and nerve-wracking, but Cardiff University has set up a scheme to help new students feel welcomed. The student mentor scheme helps first years […]
Give it a Go CSU, is one of the most active societies in Cardiff University. The Give it a Go team always has a calendar full of amazing activities for […]
Many of the residences at Cardiff university are self-catered and many of us who come here have never cooked for ourselves. Cooking for me is a way to relax; it […]