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Simple tips to help you manage your finances

Simple tips to help you manage your finances

Posted on 6 March 2023 by Muskaan

Moving into university brings with it a lot of new responsibilities and jobs. Handling your finances and making the best of them is just one of them, although, it is […]

My part-time job history in Cardiff

My part-time job history in Cardiff

Posted on 6 March 2023 by Jasmine

When approaching the idea of going to university, I was hesitant to go straight from sixth-form college to university as I didn’t want to miss out on learning essential life […]

Life skills to develop while at university

Life skills to develop while at university

Posted on 1 March 2023 by Jasmine

With stories about the value of undergraduate degrees falling and competition from other qualifications, such as those achieved from apprenticeships, it is especially important for those who opt to go […]

Things to do in your reading week

Things to do in your reading week

Posted on 1 March 2023 by Muskaan

University life can be a genuinely exhilarating rollercoaster, with all its busy and calm periods. This is why, when we get a mini-break from it, we seem to lose all […]

The Cardiff house hunt: finding second-year accommodation at Cardiff University

The Cardiff house hunt: finding second-year accommodation at Cardiff University

Posted on 23 February 2023 by Jasmine

House hunting in a housing crisis and a cost of living crisis is undoubtedly a stressful experience. In this blog, I discuss finding accommodation in Cardiff and how I literally […]

Studying in Wales from an English students perspective

Studying in Wales from an English students perspective

Posted on 21 February 2023 by Jasmine

Although the use of Welsh on signs was something that I found particularly exciting when I first came to Cardiff, it is not the only difference of living in Wales […]

A day in the life of a Cardiff University student

A day in the life of a Cardiff University student

Posted on 16 February 2023 by Jasmine

Making the most when you can’t attend face-to-face learning In the face of strikes and lecturers being away or sick, there can be occasions when we can’t attend face-to-face […]

Getting diagnosed with dyslexia at Cardiff University

Getting diagnosed with dyslexia at Cardiff University

Posted on 14 February 2023 by Jasmine

Dyslexia affects up to 1 in 10 people in the UK but, despite how common it is, there can be a pattern of academic gaslighting which can be applied to […]

Best weekend getaways for a Cardiff University student

Best weekend getaways for a Cardiff University student

Posted on 8 February 2023 by Jasmine

At the beginning of a new semester, when we have not quite recovered from the last one, it can only lead the mind to wonder the greatest question: “where can […]

Three money-saving one-pot Asian recipes

Three money-saving one-pot Asian recipes

Posted on 6 February 2023 by Isadora

With the cost-of-living crisis and electricity prices on the rise, our old food habits and cooking in the oven is becoming a luxury rather than the daily norm. But there […]