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Why University?

How completing an EPQ can impact your university experience

How completing an EPQ can impact your university experience

Posted on 26 July 2023 by Jasmine

During your time at sixth form or college, there are so many decisions to make about your future. This includes important choices about what you're going to study in order […]

What I wish I knew before starting university

What I wish I knew before starting university

Posted on 24 July 2023 by Catalina

Starting university can be scary, and that is okay! One thing to keep in mind is that everyone is in the same boat, even when others are not showing it. […]

Why choose Media and Communications at Cardiff University

Why choose Media and Communications at Cardiff University

Posted on 12 July 2023 by Catalina

As someone who is graduating soon and has been involved with several Open Days, I can say that I loved studying Media and Communications at Cardiff. Choosing a course can […]

Why I picked Cardiff University

Why I picked Cardiff University

Posted on 2 May 2023 by Muskaan

Picking your university, out of the 100s out there, especially when you have just cleared your exams can be super stressful and confusing. I, personally, felt so so lost that […]

Differences between UK and US universities

Differences between UK and US universities

Posted on 18 April 2023 by Lillian

As an international student from the US, I often get asked, "what is different about attending university in the UK vs the US?" Though I never officially went to a […]

Making sense of the university application process

Making sense of the university application process

Posted on 28 March 2023 by Jasmine

Applying to university was one of the biggest stresses I had as a teenager. It sounded so unrealistic, abstract and difficult. Who would accept me? Would I get the right […]

Best ways to find out about university if you can’t attend an Open Day

Best ways to find out about university if you can’t attend an Open Day

Posted on 28 March 2023 by Jasmine

Moving to university can be a young person's biggest challenge. New people, new surroundings and a lot of new responsibilities that you’re not used to. That is why making the […]

My Experience Studying MA Magazine Journalism at Cardiff University

My Experience Studying MA Magazine Journalism at Cardiff University

Posted on 26 July 2021 by Ellie

Well this is it – the end is nearly insight as I wrap up four years of studying and living in the Welsh capital. Having completed my undergraduate in BA […]

How Medical Schools Teach Medicine

How Medical Schools Teach Medicine

Posted on 30 June 2021 by Nick

The blog aims to explore all the different types of teaching you will receive at medical school with brief descriptions.

Cardiff Student Heroes: Tillie

Cardiff Student Heroes: Tillie

Posted on 16 May 2021 by Ellie

BA Chinese Student and founder of Page Illustrations, Tillie, won the Student Start Up Curious Explorer Award after launching her business on Etsy in June last year. She was entered […]