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A Day for the Dragon: Celebrating St. David’s Day at Cardiff University

A Day for the Dragon: Celebrating St. David’s Day at Cardiff University

Posted on 28 February 2024 by Lydia

Hey there, future and current Cardiff Uni students! As we shed our winter layers and the Welsh air hints at spring, there's a certain buzz on campus that's hard to […]

Making a Difference: How Your Fundraising Supports Cardiff Uni’s Pioneering Research

Making a Difference: How Your Fundraising Supports Cardiff Uni’s Pioneering Research

Posted on 21 February 2024 by Lydia

Introduction to Cardiff Uni's Research Excellence Welcome to the lab-coat-laden world of Cardiff Uni, where our researchers are like superheroes, except their capes are safety goggles and their superpowers range […]

Global Opportunities at Cardiff University

Global Opportunities at Cardiff University

Posted on 8 January 2024 by Lydia

Think about it – one day you're grabbing a coffee on Queen Street, and the next, you could be mingling with professionals in Manhattan, soaking up knowledge in the tropics […]

Cardiff’s 2024 Music Diary: Uniting Students in Rhythm and Fun

Cardiff’s 2024 Music Diary: Uniting Students in Rhythm and Fun

Posted on 8 January 2024 by Lydia

Hey Cardiff Uni crew! 2024 is shaping up to be an epic year for music right here in our city. Picture this: from the sensational Taylor Swift to the awesome […]

Cardiff: The Star Behind the Screen – Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who and More

Cardiff: The Star Behind the Screen – Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who and More

Posted on 6 December 2023 by Lydia

Have you had the chance to visit Cardiff? Do you know what's even cooler? This year we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of "Doctor Who"! Can you believe it? This […]

Celebrating Inclusivity: Cardiff Uni’s Endeavors for Disability Support on IDPD

Celebrating Inclusivity: Cardiff Uni’s Endeavors for Disability Support on IDPD

Posted on 5 December 2023 by Lydia

With International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPD) just around the corner (yep, December 3rd!), it's the perfect time to chat about how Cardiff Uni is all about including everyone. […]

Cardiff Uni’s December Delight: A Campus Christmas Celebration!

Cardiff Uni’s December Delight: A Campus Christmas Celebration!

Posted on 5 December 2023 by Lydia

As the chilly breeze sweeps through the campus, Cardiff University is getting ready to sprinkle some magic and warmth this December.  Picture this: enchanting Christmas markets, cosy carol sing-alongs, and […]

International Journalism (MA) Unforgettable study trip in Gregynog

International Journalism (MA) Unforgettable study trip in Gregynog

Posted on 22 November 2023 by Lydia

Have you ever heard of Gregynog? It's an amazing place nestled in the breathtaking landscapes of Wales that offers an experience you'll never forget. It's a perfect blend of history, […]

Cardiff: The Safe City

Cardiff: The Safe City

Posted on 21 November 2023 by Lydia

Choosing a city for your studies involves many factors, and safety is often a top priority. As a student ambassador at Cardiff University, I am frequently asked a critical question […]

My International Relations journey so far

My International Relations journey so far

Posted on 13 November 2023 by Jasmine

Recently, while visiting my home town, I returned to working at the original library where I studied when I was 16 years old and came to realise that I wanted […]