Self-care is so important, especially when you are studying during a pandemic. Here are a few suggestions to help you look after yourself. Foot spa and a pedicure You could […]
I have found keeping in touch with my friends at home, while I am at University to be important for my mental wellbeing, particularly during the global pandemic. It also […]
Mae dysgu ar sail achosion (DSA) a dysgu ar sail problemau (yn Saesneg, case-based learning a problem-based learning) yn dominyddu dulliau dysgu addysg feddygol modern. Erbyn hyn, ychydig o ysgolion […]
As we have just finished the Christmas break, I thought it might be useful to write a blog about time management during this holiday period. I am in my 3rd […]
Firstly, if you are reading this with an invite to interview, congratulations! You have overcome the first big hurdle in your journey into medicine! This blog is going to tackle […]
Trying to motivate yourself to do work over the Christmas break is nothing short of tough. With new distractions – from being at home to the fact that the festive […]
Attending lectures are better than listening to them later As much as it was a struggle to get to lecture after a night out, at the end of my first year I realised that […]
Budgeting is a key part of student life. I believe budget skills are important to learn about as a student and you’ll then be able to take these skills forward […]
I was the first child in my family to go to university. I can remember feeling the pressure to get into university and do well as a ‘role model’ to […]