Team Tuesdays- Meet Mary-Kate, Projects and Operations Manager
2 June 2020Name: Mary-Kate Lewis
Role: Projects and Operations Manager – joined September 2015
What is your role in the CESI team?
I manage the Projects and Operations team within the CESI. We look after the day to day running of the CESI, as well as managing our flagship funding schemes and having oversight of the CESI projects. I am responsible for our learning and teaching / research On-campus Internships scheme (formally known as CUROP and CUSEIP), as well as our Education Innovation Fund scheme, and have oversight of events and communications for the team.
Describe a project you have been involved that you have enjoyed
I really enjoy managing the On-Campus Internships student summer placement schemes. This is one of my only opportunities to work directly with students and see the impact these schemes have on them. One of my favourite events is the annual student poster exhibition when all the students get together at the end of their placement to display their research posters. It shows the scale and variety of the scheme’s projects and you get to hear directly from the students about the impact it has on them. This year (2019) one student came up to thank me personally for the ‘life changing’ affect her placement had on her.
What’s your role on the DigEd Programme?
I am part of the core programme delivery team, but I have been project managing three of the working groups, 1, 4 and 7, supporting them with the coordination and delivery of their group outputs. In addition, I have led on the development of the Programme’s growing intranet presence, building and designing the different pages, ensuring they are up to date and useful for colleagues (feedback always welcome!)
A fact about yourself?
I’ve been knocked over by a car on two separate occasions and both times it was my right of way! I have been lucky enough to walk away with minor injuries (I think my bones must be made of rubber).
Check out the CESI blog every Tuesday for profiles on the team!
Enw: Mary-Kate Lewis
Rôl: Rheolwr Prosiectau a Gweithrediadau – ymunodd ym mis Medi 2015
Beth yw eich rôl yn nhîm CESI?
Rwy’n rheoli’r tîm Prosiectau a Gweithrediadau yn CESI. Rydym yn gofalu am redeg y CESI o ddydd i ddydd, yn ogystal â rheoli ein cynlluniau cyllido blaenllaw a chael goruchwyliaeth o’r prosiectau CESI. Rwy’n gyfrifol am ein cynllun Interniaethau dysgu ar y campws ac addysgu / ymchwil (a elwir yn ffurfiol yn CUROP a CUSEIP), yn ogystal â’n cynllun Cronfa Arloesi Addysg, ac mae gen i oruchwyliaeth o ddigwyddiadau a chyfathrebu ar gyfer y tîm.
Disgrifiwch brosiect rydych chi wedi bod yn rhan ohono rydych chi wedi’i fwynhau
Rwy’n mwynhau rheoli cynlluniau lleoliadau haf myfyrwyr Interniaethau Ar y Campws yn fawr. Dyma un o fy unig gyfleoedd i weithio’n uniongyrchol gyda myfyrwyr a gweld effaith y cynlluniau hyn arnyn nhw. Un o fy hoff ddigwyddiadau yw’r arddangosfa boster myfyrwyr blynyddol pan fydd yr holl fyfyrwyr yn dod at ei gilydd ar ddiwedd eu lleoliad i arddangos eu posteri ymchwil. Mae’n dangos graddfa ac amrywiaeth prosiectau’r cynllun ac rydych chi’n cael clywed yn uniongyrchol gan y myfyrwyr am yr effaith y mae’n ei gael arnyn nhw. Eleni (2019) daeth un myfyriwr i fyny i ddiolch i mi yn bersonol am yr effaith ‘newid bywyd’ a gafodd ei lleoliad arni.
Beth yw eich rôl ar y Rhaglen Addysg Ddigidol?
Rwy’n rhan o’r tîm cyflenwi rhaglenni craidd, ond rwyf wedi bod yn rheoli prosiect tri o’r gweithgorau, 1, 4 a 7, drwy eu cefnogi gyda chydlynu a chyflawni allbynnau eu grŵp. Yn ogystal, rwyf wedi arwain ar ddatblygu presenoldeb cynyddol y Rhaglen ar y fewnrwyd, gan adeiladu a dylunio’r gwahanol dudalennau, a sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu diweddaru ac yn ddefnyddiol i gydweithwyr (mae croeso bob amser i adborth!)
Ffaith amdanoch chi’ch hun?
Rydw i wedi cael fy nharo gan gar ar ddau achlysur gwahanol a’r ddau dro oedd fy hawl tramwy! Rwyf wedi bod yn ddigon ffodus i gerdded i ffwrdd gyda mân anafiadau (rwy’n credu bod yn rhaid i’m hesgyrn gael eu gwneud o rwber).
Edrychwch ar flog CESI pob Dydd Mawrth i weld proffiliau o’r tîm!