Team Tuesdays- Meet Clare, IT Business Partner
27 August 2020

Name: Clare Davies
Role at the University: IT Business Partner (for the College of Biomedical & Life Sciences)
What is your role in the Digital Education Programme?
My role as IT Business Partner also includes strategic thematic alignment to Education, so I naturally became involved in the Digital Education Programme. I am a member of the Steering Group as well as part of the core programme delivery team. I am also totally immersed in working group 5 (Appraisal of Digital Delivery Platforms), which is keeping me very busy.
Why did you want to be part of the Dig Ed Programme?
It brings all the best bits of my job together. Digital, education, change and business relationship management. Perfect.
What do you enjoy most about being part of the programme?
The people, without a doubt. The way the teams have pulled together has been brilliant. I love the positivity, the energy, the fast pace, the agility. The working groups have achieved a huge amount over the last few months, ensuring the student experience remains at the heart of what we do, whilst also recognising the need to support our staff and each other.
A fact about yourself?
In my former life I was quite creative – I went to art college, studied ceramic design and had my own ceramic design business. I’ll get back to it one day…
Take a look at other team profiles on the CESI blog!
Enw: Clare Davies
Rôl yn y Brifysgol: Partner Busnes TG (ar gyfer Coleg y Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd)
Beth yw eich rôl yn y Rhaglen Addysg Ddigidol?
Mae fy rôl fel Partner Busnes TG hefyd yn cynnwys aliniad thematig strategol gydag Addysg, felly ymunais yn naturiol a’r Rhaglen Addysg Ddigidol. Rwy’n aelod o’r Grŵp Llywio yn ogystal â rhan o’r tîm cyflwyno craidd y rhaglen . Rwyf hefyd wedi ymgolli’n llwyr yng ngweithgor 5 (Gwerthuso Llwyfannau Cyflenwi Digidol), sy’n fy nghadw’n brysur iawn.
Pam oeddech chi am fod yn rhan o’r Rhaglen Dig Ed?
Mae’n dod â holl ddarnau gorau fy swydd at ei gilydd. Digidol, addysg, newid a rheoli perthnasoedd busnes. Perffaith.
Beth ydych chi’n ei fwynhau fwyaf am fod yn rhan o’r rhaglen?
Y bobl, heb amheuaeth. Mae’r ffordd y mae’r timau wedi tynnu at ei gilydd wedi bod yn wych. Rwyf wrth fy modd â’r positifrwydd, yr egni, y cyflymder cyflym, yr ystwythder. Mae’r gweithgorau wedi cyflawni llawer iawn dros yr ychydig fisoedd diwethaf, gan sicrhau bod profiad y myfyriwr yn parhau i fod wrth wraidd yr hyn a wnawn, gan gydnabod hefyd yr angen i gefnogi ein staff a’n gilydd.
Ffaith amdanoch chi’ch hun?
Yn fy mywyd blaenorol roeddwn yn eithaf creadigol – es i goleg celf, astudio dylunio cerameg ac roedd gen i fusnes dylunio cerameg fy hun. Byddaf yn dychwelyd ato un diwrnod …
Edrychwch ar flog CESI am broffiliau tîm eraill.