Q & A with Dr Robert Wilson (National Teaching Fellow)
23 April 2020

Name: Robert Wilson
Job title/Role: Senior Lecturer in Mathematics
School/College: Mathematics, College of Physical Sciences and Engineering
When did you become a National Teaching Fellow? July 2019
Why did you decide to apply for an Advance HE Fellowship?
It is an established national award and I believed I met the required criteria. I also received a great of encouragement from colleagues across the intuition and externally.
How has being a Fellow had an impact on what you do?
The process itself, irrespective of receiving the award, was a (surprisingly) positive experience. It provided genuine opportunity to holistically reflect on my personal development and contribution to learning and teaching. It was also humbling to receive numerous offers of support from colleagues who I have been lucky enough to work with on various activities.
Since receiving the award, I have gained increased confidence to explore new ideas and directions, as well as being involved in numerous networks and initiatives which will assist my own personal progression, and hopefully support the development of others.
How do you envisage being a Senior Fellow/National Teaching Fellow impacting on your future and any upcoming projects/work?
Hopefully it will provide me with increased opportunities to make some form of contribution to the future development of learning, teaching and support in Higher Education.
What advice would you give to colleagues thinking of applying for Senior Fellowship or National Teaching Fellowship?
Go for it!
Find out more about Senior and Principal Fellowship and how to apply
Find out more about our National Teaching Fellows and how to apply
You can also visit the Advance HE website or email us CESI@cardiff.ac.uk
Keen an eye on the blog for more profiles on our current Senior and Principal Fellows and National Teaching Fellows.