Q & A with Professor Melanie Jones (Senior Fellow)
30 April 2020

Name: Professor Melanie Jones
Job title/Role: Professor of Economics
School/College: CARBS
Are you a Senior Fellow? Senior Fellow
When did you become a Senior Fellow? March 2017
Why did you decide to apply for an Advance HE Fellowship? It was an opportunity to critically reflect on my own teaching and leadership experience in higher education and receive national recognition for a sustained contribution in terms of research-led teaching, and promoting good practice in learning and teaching within economics.
How has being a Fellow had an impact on what you do? It has not changed my approach to education and teaching, but the external recognition has given me greater confidence and opportunities to share my experience and practice with others, both inside and outside Cardiff University.
How do you envisage being a Senior Fellow/National Teaching Fellow impacting on your future and any upcoming projects/work?
The process of application encouraged me to better utilise research to inform my teaching practice. This is now more embedded throughout my own teaching and, in the guidance I am able to give others. This has also encouraged me to think about how I might utilise my research skills to inform learning and teaching within the discipline. Indeed, I plan to use my research interest in gender inequality to better understand why relatively few women choose to study economics in higher education.
What advice would you give to colleagues thinking of applying for Senior Fellowship or National Teaching Fellowship?
Make the time and space to apply. Although initially it might seem a daunting task, once you start to reflect on your own career and teaching experience it will surprise you how many examples of effective and innovative practice and leadership you will have to draw on.
Find out more about Senior and Principal Fellowship and how to apply
Find out more about our National Teaching Fellows and how to apply
You can also visit the Advance HE website or email us CESI@cardiff.ac.uk
Keen an eye on the blog for more profiles on our current Senior and Principal Fellows and National Teaching Fellows.