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Citizen Lethbridge

Citizen Lethbridge

Posted on 1 March 2020 by

I’m sitting in a café waiting to go to the TedX Cardiff Conference co-organised by one of our associates Richard Strudwick with the support of the Cardiff School of Journalism, […]

If Innovation is the ‘Next Big Thing’, where does that leave Lean?

If Innovation is the ‘Next Big Thing’, where does that leave Lean?

Posted on 5 February 2019 by

Sarah Lethbridge and Maneesh Kumar As a lean devotee, it is very easy for me to answer the question “How lean can we go” with “all the way …. naturally!” […]

If You Aren’t Moving Forward Positively, You’re Moving Backward!

Posted on 23 March 2018 by

Entropy. “The inexorable tendency of the universe and any isolated system in it, to slide toward a state of increasing disorder.” I was first introduced to the word entropy after […]