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Astudio Meddygaeth mewn Cymraeg

Astudio Meddygaeth mewn Cymraeg

Posted on 13 January 2021 by Shôn

Tra'n astudio Meddygaeth yng Nghaerdydd, rydw i'n derbyn ysgoloriaeth gan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i astudio rhan o'r cwrs trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Yn y blog hwn, rwyf am egluro […]

How to time manage during the holidays

How to time manage during the holidays

Posted on 11 January 2021 by Jess

As we have just finished the Christmas break, I thought it might be useful to write a blog about time management during this holiday period.  I am in my 3rd […]

Get ready for MMIs!

Get ready for MMIs!

Posted on 9 January 2021 by Ellen

Firstly, if you are reading this with an invite to interview, congratulations! You have overcome the first big hurdle in your journey into medicine! This blog is going to tackle […]

Dysgu Wyneb-yn-Wyneb ar Gampws COVID-Ddiogel

Dysgu Wyneb-yn-Wyneb ar Gampws COVID-Ddiogel

Posted on 14 December 2020 by Shôn

Helo, Shôn ydw i, croeso i fy mlog cyntaf ar y safle hon. Rwyf fel arfer yn astudio Meddygaeth, ond y flwyddyn hon rydw i'n gwneud gradd ymsang mewn Ffarmacoleg […]

How to Stay Motivated over the Christmas Holidays

How to Stay Motivated over the Christmas Holidays

Posted on 11 December 2020 by Ellie

Trying to motivate yourself to do work over the Christmas break is nothing short of tough. With new distractions – from being at home to the fact that the festive […]

5 things I learnt in my first year

5 things I learnt in my first year

Posted on 8 December 2020 by Ayushi

Attending lectures are better than listening to them later As much as it was a struggle to get to lecture after a night out, at the end of my first year I realised that […]

Where to get your Christmas Shopping Sorted in Cardiff

Where to get your Christmas Shopping Sorted in Cardiff

Posted on 6 December 2020 by Ellie

Now, there is one thing that Cardiff is not short of - shops. The city-centre is every shopaholic’s paradise, and it is even better at Christmas when you are hunting […]

8 Fun Christmas Activities to do with your Housemates

8 Fun Christmas Activities to do with your Housemates

Posted on 6 December 2020 by Ellie

With Christmas just round the corner and Coronavirus still alive and kicking, the festive season is looking a little bit different this year. However, there is nothing stopping you and […]

Reflection on my budgeting skills throughout university and advice I would give to students

Reflection on my budgeting skills throughout university and advice I would give to students

Posted on 4 December 2020 by Jess

Budgeting is a key part of student life. I believe budget skills are important to learn about as a student and you’ll then be able to take these skills forward […]

Advice for first child students

Advice for first child students

Posted on 4 December 2020 by Jess

I was the first child in my family to go to university. I can remember feeling the pressure to get into university and do well as a ‘role model’ to […]