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News Journalism: Finding Stories

News Journalism: Finding Stories

Posted on 4 August 2022 by Rowenna

It can be a scary thing production days, especially if you don’t have a story. In the first term you only have to write one story per week, by the […]

Day in the life of a News Journalism student

Day in the life of a News Journalism student

Posted on 4 August 2022 by Rowenna

I found it difficult to accept what my days would look like at the start of the year, I found the workload exhausting. I had envisioned my year differently, but […]

A Guide to the Best Libraries at Cardiff University

Posted on 30 July 2022 by Henry

With exam season in full swing students throughout the university spend hours in the library writing assignments and revising for exams. However, with twelve libraries around the university campus there […]

A Guide for the Perfect Graduation at Cardiff University

Posted on 30 July 2022 by Henry

Graduation is an incredibly special day for any student with many years of hard work and dedication leading towards this celebration of academic achievement. However, the importance of the day […]

The Best Ways to Relieve Stress During Exam Season

Posted on 30 July 2022 by Henry

Exam season at the best of times for students is one of the most stressful times of the year. Over a month students work incredibly hard studying and revising for […]

The Best Places to Watch the Football as a Cardiff University Student

Posted on 30 July 2022 by Henry

Whether it is the World Cup, the Champions League Final or just a weekly match, for many Cardiff University students watching football is an integral element of their university experience. […]

Cardiff Student Media: A Guide to Radio and Podcasts

Posted on 30 July 2022 by Henry

Broadcast and Magazine Journalism are career paths that many arts students at Cardiff University end up pursuing after graduating. However, many employers within this field often require experience for their […]

The Best Areas to Find Part Time Work as a Cardiff University Student

Posted on 30 July 2022 by Henry

Money and more importantly, the lack of money is an issue that affects students throughout their studies at university. Therefore, part time work is something that most Cardiff University students […]

The Best Places to Watch Live Music in Cardiff

Posted on 30 July 2022 by Henry

If you are a fan of live music then Cardiff is the perfect city to both study and live in, with plenty of live venues and clubs to experience live […]

A Guide to the Best Beaches to Visit in and around Cardiff

Posted on 30 July 2022 by Henry

With summer quickly approaching and Cardiff is filled with sunshine many students across the country dream of a quick trip to the beach. Well luckily for Cardiff students there are […]