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Jobs and work experience

Tips for keeping focus as a part-time student

Tips for keeping focus as a part-time student

Posted on 5 April 2023 by Shrankhla

Part-time students frequently struggle to balance their personal and academic life at once, frequently having a limited amount of time, therefore maintaining organisation is essential to properly managing their academic […]

Tips for working or volunteering during your studies

Tips for working or volunteering during your studies

Posted on 3 April 2023 by Catalina

Balancing university with student life and work is not always easy. At first, it can be scary to volunteer or work for the first time, especially in a new environment. […]

My part-time job history in Cardiff

My part-time job history in Cardiff

Posted on 6 March 2023 by Jasmine

When approaching the idea of going to university, I was hesitant to go straight from sixth-form college to university as I didn’t want to miss out on learning essential life […]

Life skills to develop while at university

Life skills to develop while at university

Posted on 1 March 2023 by Jasmine

With stories about the value of undergraduate degrees falling and competition from other qualifications, such as those achieved from apprenticeships, it is especially important for those who opt to go […]

Preparing for the second year of uni

Preparing for the second year of uni

Posted on 12 August 2022 by Sunaina

And as usual, another batch has graduated and left uni and another is about to begin their journey. But for those in the middle, especially us who have just completed […]

The Best Areas to Find Part Time Work as a Cardiff University Student

Posted on 30 July 2022 by Henry

Money and more importantly, the lack of money is an issue that affects students throughout their studies at university. Therefore, part time work is something that most Cardiff University students […]

A Graduate’s Guide To Cardiff’s ‘Your Career Journey’ Site

A Graduate’s Guide To Cardiff’s ‘Your Career Journey’ Site

Posted on 11 June 2022 by Pui Kuan

It’s true when they say to take advantage of all the career guidance, resources, and support at university. Ultimately, it is a step close to the working world, and you’ll […]

The Pagoda Projects Internship Experience (Remote)

The Pagoda Projects Internship Experience (Remote)

Posted on 7 June 2022 by Pui Kuan

As a student, you will likely be looking to gain work experience over the summer, and often this will be an internship. Internships are a way to gain insight and […]

Study-abroad in Cardiff and around the World

Study-abroad in Cardiff and around the World

Posted on 28 May 2022 by Sunaina

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to study in another university? The different experiences, people, and activities that you will encounter enabling you to have a whole […]

How to find and prepare for work experience as a Cardiff Uni student?

How to find and prepare for work experience as a Cardiff Uni student?

Posted on 27 April 2022 by Kasvi

Even as a first-year undergraduate, I knew I wanted to work alongside my studies. I started with part-time work in the hospitality industry, which was a rewarding experience and gave […]