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Dysgu Wyneb-yn-Wyneb ar Gampws COVID-Ddiogel

Dysgu Wyneb-yn-Wyneb ar Gampws COVID-Ddiogel

Posted on 14 December 2020 by Shôn

Helo, Shôn ydw i, croeso i fy mlog cyntaf ar y safle hon. Rwyf fel arfer yn astudio Meddygaeth, ond y flwyddyn hon rydw i'n gwneud gradd ymsang mewn Ffarmacoleg […]

How to Stay Motivated over the Christmas Holidays

How to Stay Motivated over the Christmas Holidays

Posted on 11 December 2020 by Ellie

Trying to motivate yourself to do work over the Christmas break is nothing short of tough. With new distractions – from being at home to the fact that the festive […]

5 things I learnt in my first year

5 things I learnt in my first year

Posted on 8 December 2020 by Ayushi

Attending lectures are better than listening to them later As much as it was a struggle to get to lecture after a night out, at the end of my first year I realised that […]

Heath Park Campus

Heath Park Campus

Posted on 4 December 2020 by Jess

I can remember when I started university and it was like a maze, it took me a few weeks to learn where everything was. Due to COVID-19 and people having […]

A Day in the Life of a Student: Lockdown Edition

A Day in the Life of a Student: Lockdown Edition

Posted on 1 November 2020 by Ellie

As the world continues to change all around us, students have been forced to adapt and navigate the academic world in an entirely new way. Whilst previously, a student’s day […]

How to Catch Up On School Work When You Fall Unexpectedly Behind

How to Catch Up On School Work When You Fall Unexpectedly Behind

Posted on 19 October 2020 by Monique

The day before the first week of university began, disaster struck. I got a concussion and had to miss almost to two weeks of classes. While I had told myself […]

Making the Jump from First Year to Second Year

Making the Jump from First Year to Second Year

Posted on 1 October 2020 by Ellie

Making that often anxiously anticipated jump from a fresher to a second year is a fairly big moment in any student’s life. However, despite it being the first time that […]

Creating a Balanced Lifestyle whilst Learning Online

Creating a Balanced Lifestyle whilst Learning Online

Posted on 19 September 2020 by Ellie

Learning online has a ton of advantages with attending lectures in your pyjamas being just one of them. However, as we all begin to navigate this crazy new world we […]

My Experience Studying Journalism and Communications at Cardiff University

My Experience Studying Journalism and Communications at Cardiff University

Posted on 4 August 2020 by Ellie

Being a fresh BA Journalism and Communications graduate and official alumni of Cardiff University, I am now able to fully reflect on the three best years of my life right […]

Managing Online Lectures

Managing Online Lectures

Posted on 28 May 2020 by Rowenna

Thanks to Covid-19 and the government enforced lockdown, university systems and how lectures are delivered have been impacted in universities up and down the country. For many, this has meant online […]