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Applying to University

My Clearing Experience

My Clearing Experience

Posted on 3 August 2021 by Abbie

What is Clearing? And what was my personal experience with the process? University is essentially a big step to take and finding yourself in a position where you have decided […]

How to Write a Winning Masters Application Letter for Journalism Courses

How to Write a Winning Masters Application Letter for Journalism Courses

Posted on 30 July 2021 by Ellie

Have you found yourself at the all-important stage of putting in an application for that dream masters, but simply don’t know where to start? Then you’ve come to the right […]

My Experience Studying MA Magazine Journalism at Cardiff University

My Experience Studying MA Magazine Journalism at Cardiff University

Posted on 26 July 2021 by Ellie

Well this is it – the end is nearly insight as I wrap up four years of studying and living in the Welsh capital. Having completed my undergraduate in BA […]

How Medical Schools Teach Medicine

How Medical Schools Teach Medicine

Posted on 30 June 2021 by Nick

The blog aims to explore all the different types of teaching you will receive at medical school with brief descriptions.

Cardiff Student Heroes: Tillie

Cardiff Student Heroes: Tillie

Posted on 16 May 2021 by Ellie

BA Chinese Student and founder of Page Illustrations, Tillie, won the Student Start Up Curious Explorer Award after launching her business on Etsy in June last year. She was entered […]

Cardiff Student Heroes: Catriona

Cardiff Student Heroes: Catriona

Posted on 13 May 2021 by Ellie

After winning the ‘Reach journalism for a digital audience award’ from the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ), Catriona’s career as a news reporter has gone from strength […]

Cardiff Student Heroes: Rifhat Qureshi

Cardiff Student Heroes: Rifhat Qureshi

Posted on 5 April 2021 by Ellie

Modest Trends founder and MSc Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship student at Cardiff University, Rifhat Qureshi, is the entrepreneur who is helping tackle issues around sustainability in the modest clothing industry. […]

Cardiff Student Heroes: Tom Matthews

Cardiff Student Heroes: Tom Matthews

Posted on 1 April 2021 by Ellie

Second year Cardiff University BSc Business Management student Tom Matthews has recently been recognised for his incredible fundraising work for Movember in which he managed to raise over £4,000 for […]

Dysgu ar Sail Achosion (Case-Based Learning): Beth mae o wir yn ei olygu?

Dysgu ar Sail Achosion (Case-Based Learning): Beth mae o wir yn ei olygu?

Posted on 28 January 2021 by Shôn

Mae dysgu ar sail achosion (DSA) a dysgu ar sail problemau (yn Saesneg, case-based learning a problem-based learning) yn dominyddu dulliau dysgu addysg feddygol modern. Erbyn hyn, ychydig o ysgolion […]

8 Cardiff Societies you need to Join

8 Cardiff Societies you need to Join

Posted on 27 January 2021 by Ellie

Societies are one of the best parts about university life, and with Cardiff University having over 300 of them, you will be spoilt for choice. While some may appeal to […]