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Toshiba and Cardiff power electronic innovation

Toshiba and Cardiff power electronic innovation

Posted on 28 February 2022 by Peter Rawlinson

Cardiff University has joined forces with Toshiba Europe Limited (TEUR) to develop ultra-fast gate drivers for the power electronics market. Power semiconductor devices made from silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium […]

Sparking connectivity

Sparking connectivity

Posted on 21 February 2022 by Peter Rawlinson

Cardiff’s new sbarc|spark hub will bring together researchers to connect across social science research disciplines to create new ways of working. Professor Sally Power, WISERD, recently published a paper examining […]

Forge your innovation career with Welsh Crucible

Forge your innovation career with Welsh Crucible

Posted on 15 February 2022 by Peter Rawlinson

Researchers from academia and industry have until 18 February to sign up for Welsh Crucible - an award-winning programme designed to tackle major research challenges facing Wales. Aimed at talented […]

Semiconductors boost Welsh economy

Semiconductors boost Welsh economy

Posted on 8 February 2022 by Peter Rawlinson

A new report published by Cardiff University’s Welsh Economy Research Unit (WERU) highlights the contribution to the economy by the CSconnected semiconductor cluster - the first of its kind in […]

Counting on Abacws

Counting on Abacws

Posted on 1 February 2022 by Peter Rawlinson

The new Abacws building for the Schools of Mathematics and Computer Science & Informatics will drive data science innovation in Wales and beyond.  Cardiff University’s latest hub unites data science, research, teaching […]

Maximising Excellence in Catalysis

Maximising Excellence in Catalysis

Posted on 24 January 2022 by Peter Rawlinson

The science of catalysis underpins almost everything we do, from fertilising crops to washing our dishes. Researchers at Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI) excel in discovering and developing new catalysts - […]

Switching to Cardiff innovations

Switching to Cardiff innovations

Posted on 17 January 2022 by Peter Rawlinson

Cardiff University helps businesses thrive by sharing academic knowhow. A Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) is one of the best ways for organisations to innovate and grow. KTPs link a business […]

Culture of innovation at Copner Biotech

Culture of innovation at Copner Biotech

Posted on 10 January 2022 by Peter Rawlinson

A biotech company founded by Cardiff University graduates Jordan (BSc 2018) and Alan Copner (BSc 1983) is exploring new research collaborations after lodging new patents. Jordan founded Copner Biotech Ltd […]

A New Era for Electron Microscopy in Cardiff

A New Era for Electron Microscopy in Cardiff

Posted on 21 December 2021 by Heath Jeffries

A microscope with the ability to image the smallest of objects will arrive at Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI) later this month. Cardiff’s first Aberration Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (AC-STEM) […]

2021 – Connecting, Collaborating, Creating

2021 – Connecting, Collaborating, Creating

Posted on 20 December 2021 by Peter Rawlinson

Cardiff University’s work to turn research into real-world remedies for society’s pressing problems continued apace in 2021. New teams were assembled, buildings delivered, deals done, awards won. Here, we look […]