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Posted on 24 August 2016 by Izzie

So I'm finally embarking on something that I've always wanted to do! I'm gonna be living in Paris for a whole year... Well for the "location police" 40 minutes outside […]


Posted on 15 July 2016 by Hebe Fletcher

Tourisdent? Toural? Residourist? Who knows… The most peculiar thing I have found so far about my experience of the summer school is that I haven’t quite found my place in […]


Posted on 15 July 2016 by Hebe Fletcher

The Friday before classes started, we had our orientation at Sciences Po. Do you remember the painful small talk of the first week on university that left everyone wanting to […]

The First 24 Hours

Posted on 10 July 2016 by Hebe Fletcher

For friends and family: Anyone who knows me, will know how excited I have been about this trip for a very long time. The wannabe Parisian in me has been […]

A few words on paperwork

Posted on 12 October 2015 by Joe Healy

Testing, testing... one, two... Actually, that quite accurately describes my first few weeks in Barcelona: testing. That said, I brought it on myself. I’m not gonna make excuses for not […]

The last chapter of Berlin

The last chapter of Berlin

Posted on 24 August 2015 by Alexia Cowley

It is unbelievable to think that my Year Abroad is over! The last eight weeks of my time in Berlin was just one big blur. Having had time to re-adjust […]

Hello from Regensburg

Hello from Regensburg

Posted on 3 August 2015 by Mark Sweeney

Hey! I’m Mark, a third year Pharmacy student here at Cardiff. My Erasmus adventure began one cold October morning, when Heledd, from the Global Opportunities Centre, came in to give […]

Travels around Europe

Travels around Europe

Posted on 17 May 2015 by Alexia Cowley

So here I am, sat on a very Anastacia-esque train carriage, travelling through Poland. A perfect opportunity to update my European gallivanting travels since March! March 20th, the day  I […]

Leaving so soon?

Leaving so soon?

Posted on 28 February 2015 by Kathryn Muldoon

Unlike those who have the luxury of spending an entire year putting down roots in one city, my semester in Lyon quickly came to a close. Just as I’d started […]

Diwedd Semester 1

Diwedd Semester 1

Posted on 23 February 2015 by Elin Jones

Unwaith eto mae amser wedi hedfan heb i mi sylweddoli! Erbyn hyn dwi adra yn mwynhau 6 wythnos o wiliau cyn dychwelyd i Berlin am yr 2il Semester ar ddechrau […]

First semester abroad in Chambéry

First semester abroad in Chambéry

Posted on 31 January 2015 by Lucy Pierce

I chose languages as my joint honours degree, partly because I love the culture and history of foreign countries and learning the language is the best way of immersing yourself. […]

Erasmus: The first few days

Erasmus: The first few days

Posted on 3 January 2015 by Chloë Hathway

The first week of the year abroad is possibly one of the most challenging and daunting of your life so far, but don’t let that put you off! Although it […]

The start of my time in Chambéry, France

The start of my time in Chambéry, France

Posted on 21 December 2014 by Alice Whelan

I am a French and Spanish third year student at Cardiff University, currently in south-east France in the small Alpine city of Chambéry. For the first semester of my Year […]

Wanderlust in Deutschland

Posted on 19 December 2014 by Alexia Cowley

  Some of my favourite photos of Berlin since being here.... I have had a whirlwind of a time since winter has kicked in. I’ve experienced -9 temperatures (in Hamburg […]

Making it to Nantes

Making it to Nantes

Posted on 8 December 2014 by Chloë Hathway

Bonjour from France! I’m a third year BA French & Italian student, currently on my Year Abroad which is a compulsory component of my degree (lucky me!). Although I've been […]

Ich liebe Berlin

Ich liebe Berlin

Posted on 7 December 2014 by Elin Jones

Y Reichstag   Fy enw i ydi Elin Jones, a dwi’n astudio Almaeneg a Cherddoriaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Fel rhan o fy nghwrs mae hi’n orfodol i fi dreulio blwyddyn […]

Wow! GLS Schule in Berlin – really, just wow!

Posted on 17 September 2014 by Daniel Krajnik

Wow, really! Such a programme is just a fantastic way to spend your holidays. I did a German course in GLS Schule in Berlin, after which you will never put […]

A month in Salamanca learning Spanish

A month in Salamanca learning Spanish

Posted on 8 September 2014 by Juliette Jensen

Pre-departure The best feeling was when I received an email congratulating me on my success in achieving a grant to study abroad. I had the option of choosing where to […]

The city of Leuven – how did it ‘plan’ out?

Posted on 28 August 2014 by Wendy Maden

Wendy Maden, final year student on the BSc City and Regional Planning, reflects on her experience of studying abroad through the Erasmus programme Wendy, third from the right, pictured in […]