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Summer Programmes

7 unusual laws and customs from around the world that you didn’t know about

7 unusual laws and customs from around the world that you didn’t know about

Posted on 6 March 2019 by Kimberly Field

Chewing gum, wearing fancy dress or feeding pigeons are all acceptable acts in the UK. However, as innocent as these may seem, these are some of the reasons why many […]

Culture Shock in France!

Culture Shock in France!

Posted on 25 January 2019 by Kimberly Field

Culture shock. All travellers have experienced the same. When you first arrive in a country, it can be tricky adjusting to the new culture. The way of life can be […]

Think Pacific Expedition to Fiji

Posted on 31 August 2018 by Ellie Harradine

My new home in Bavu village, Fiji Bula! When I applied to Think Pacific, for the chance to volunteer in Fiji, it didn’t seem possible that I could actually be […]

Indonesia: The Big Plastic Problem

Posted on 18 July 2018 by Holly McElroy

  Bali is famously coined the land of the gods, a beautiful mecca of heaven-like mountains and jungles where spirituality is felt through every being. While this may still be […]

My First Week as an Intern in Bali

Posted on 17 July 2018 by Holly McElroy

It has been a week since I first touched down in Bali and already it feels like a home. A strange home, different to anything I’ve known before where walking […]

Selecting a programme abroad

Selecting a programme abroad

Posted on 8 March 2018 by Kimberly Field

Hi everyone! I thought this would be a very important topic to discuss since it’s that time of the year when we start to think of our year abroad options […]

Pre-departure: what you need to know

Pre-departure: what you need to know

Posted on 28 November 2017 by Kimberly Field

Bonjour everyone! Today’s blog topic is about all the things you need to know before going away abroad. It’s all good and well me telling you about all the things […]

What To Expect If You Volunteer In Fiji

Posted on 4 November 2017 by Rosie Maslin

ROSIE’S REFLECTIVE OF THINK PACIFIC PROJECT TO FIJI Joining a Traditional Fijian Village: Joining a Fijian village is probably one of the biggest culture shocks you will ever experience. The […]

Developing sports for Think Pacific in Fiji

Posted on 2 October 2017 by Daniel Ellesmere

Promoting and developing sport in Fiji is a big part of Think Pacific's aims and has certainly played a big role in our project. From our first full day in the […]

“I’ve never loved a smoker so much!”

Posted on 24 September 2017 by Katy Forrest

Day 25   I’m not a liar, but at Camps, I was renown for my miss-communication skills, which appeared as if I was lying. And most of the time it […]

“My full African kicked in once I heard chicken.”

Posted on 3 September 2017 by Katy Forrest

Day 21 So, before I start, I need to put one thing straight. I am terrible in the mornings. I mean, not so much the grumpy factor, but I just […]

“You look like a moth.”

Posted on 28 August 2017 by Katy Forrest

Day 17   An early start from Tumbaca on the bus was awaiting us, and with a predicted eight-hour journey we all braced ourselves, hoping we would miraculously arrive there […]

Most instagram-able spots in Vancouver, BC

Posted on 19 August 2017 by Tegan Francis

Having spent the past four weeks in Vancouver, BC roaming around the city as a group of twenty something year olds means that photos are snapped almost every 5 to […]

The Final Week: さようなら日本

Posted on 16 August 2017 by Laura Davies

At long last, yet seemingly all too soon, the month-long Yamagata project is over and I am safely back in the UK, still a little jetlagged but otherwise no worse […]

“ Oh no! I don’t want to be pie!”

Posted on 14 August 2017 by Katy Forrest

Day 13   There’s nothing that makes you feel that tad more disgusting on a Monday morning than a quick wet wipe shower. Today was our last day of project […]

If you visit me when I’m older I’m booking me a visit to Switzerland.

Posted on 14 August 2017 by Katy Forrest

DAY 9   Today was our first R&R (rest day) – so we had the chance to chill and basically do what we wanted for the day. So, the obvious […]

“In Steve We Trust!”

Posted on 5 August 2017 by Katy Forrest

I mean, it was inevitable. We were going to encounter a not-so-nice critter at some point… just not all at once...  Day 5 If you’ve ever wondered if Ecuadorians like […]

Adventures in Yamagata: Part 3

Posted on 5 August 2017 by Laura Davies

At long last, here is part three of my adventures in Yamagata. My apologies for the delay - it's been a pretty busy week as usual. To pick up where […]

“It’s ok, don’t worry, he’s coming with his machete!”

Posted on 3 August 2017 by Katy Forrest

  “Today I’m leaving for the Amazon… I can’t read a map… I’m not particularly fond of flying… I’m going to the Amazon. What am I doing?” were my thoughts on the […]

WEEK 2 – A Whistler Adventure

Posted on 2 August 2017 by Tegan Francis

Our second week in Canada has come and gone and it’s been quite a whirlwind for us all so far. Vancouver offers an immense number of options of things to […]