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Mae Enciliadau Awduron Preswyl yn ôl o’r diwedd! Pam ddylech chi ymuno?

Posted on 20 June 2023 by doctoral-academy-blog

Ydych chi'n cael trafferth dod o hyd i'r amser a'r cymhelliant i fynd ati i ysgrifennu? Gall fod yn anodd dod o hyd i'r amser a'r amgylchedd cywir i ysgrifennu'n […]

Knowledge exchange and impact development programme – why should you get involved?

Posted on 30 May 2023 by doctoral-academy-blog

Considering how you engage society in your research has become increasingly important in academia. In this blog, second year PhD student, Darius Klibavicius explains how Cardiff’s Knowledge Exchange and Impact […]

Rhaglen Datblygu Cyfnewid Gwybodaeth ac Effaith – pam mynd i’r digwyddiad?

Posted on 30 May 2023 by doctoral-academy-blog

Mae ystyried sut rydych chi'n cynnwys cymdeithas yn eich ymchwil wedi dod yn fwyfwy pwysig yn y byd academaidd. Yn y blog hwn, mae myfyriwr PhD yn ei ail flwyddyn, […]

Exciting new ideas and opportunities for our postgraduate research community

Posted on 24 May 2023 by doctoral-academy-blog

Here at the Doctoral Academy we’re delighted to have appointed Dr James Farror as our new Head of Development and Experience. In this post, James shares his thoughts and ideas […]

Syniadau a chyfleoedd newydd cyffrous ar gyfer ein cymuned ymchwil ôl-raddedig

Posted on 24 May 2023 by doctoral-academy-blog

Yma yn yr Academi Ddoethurol rydym yn falch iawn o fod wedi penodi Dr James Farror yn Bennaeth newydd ar faterion Datblygu a Phrofiad. Yma, mae James yn rhannu ei […]

PhD fieldwork in Japan: two lessons I learnt

Posted on 11 January 2023 by doctoral-academy-blog

Undertaking fieldwork overseas can be one of the most exciting and eye-opening parts of a PhD. Here, postgraduate research student Lauren Constance from School of Modern Languages shares her experience […]

10 self-care tips for the PhD

Posted on 14 December 2022 by doctoral-academy-blog

In this blog Kaisa Pankakoski, a postgraduate research student at the School of Welsh, shares her tips for looking after yourself during the PhD. We are likely to experience several […]

Liz Truss is now the UK’s shortest-serving prime minister – how does she stack up against George Canning, who previously held the record?

Posted on 1 November 2022 by doctoral-academy-blog

Rachel Bynoth, School of English, Communication and Philosophy Liz Truss announced her resignation on October 20 2022, 44 days after taking office. The departure makes her the UK’s shortest-serving prime […]

Why should you enter Images of Research 2022?

Posted on 19 October 2022 by doctoral-academy-blog

We're really excited that Images of Research will be returning on Tuesday 13 December 2022 as a face-to-face event, for the first time in three years. This popular competition invites […]

Words of wisdom for new postgraduate research students: Part two

Posted on 13 September 2022 by doctoral-academy-blog

Are you just starting out on your PhD? It’s likely to be an exciting but also daunting time for you. Rest assured that nerves are totally normal! In this mini […]