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Team Tuesdays- Meet Anita, Administrative Assistant

9 June 2020
Anita Braine, Administrative Assistant

Name: Anita Braine 

Role: Administrative Assistant – joined October 2016 

What is your role in the CESI team? 
I help support various projects including organising travel, room bookings, catering and providing support with events. 

Describe a project you have been involved that you have enjoyed 
I help run the CUROP/CUSEIP scheme and enjoy seeing the journey students make from start to finish with their projects. 

A fact about yourself?
I enjoy shopping and walking and have a wonderful dog called Dilys, I have climbed a volcano, which was thankfully inactive at the time. 

Check out the CESI blog every Tuesday for profiles on the team!

Enw: Anita Braine

Rôl: Cynorthwyydd Gweinyddol – ymunodd ym mis Hydref 2016

Beth yw eich rôl yn nhîm CESI?
Rwy’n helpu i gefnogi amryw o brosiectau gan gynnwys trefnu teithio, archebu ystafelloedd, arlwyo a darparu cefnogaeth ar gyfer digwyddiadau.

Disgrifiwch brosiect rydych chi wedi bod yn rhan ohono rydych chi wedi’i fwynhau
Rwy’n helpu i redeg y cynllun CUROP / CUSEIP ac yn mwynhau gweld y siwrne y mae myfyrwyr yn ei gwneud o’r dechrau i’r diwedd gyda’u prosiectau.

Ffaith amdanoch chi’ch hun?
Rwy’n mwynhau siopa a cherdded ac mae gen i gi gwych o’r enw Dilys, rydw i wedi dringo llosgfynydd, a oedd, diolch byth, yn anactif ar y pryd.

Edrychwch ar flog CESI pob Dydd Mawrth i weld proffiliau o’r tîm!