Personal capture examples with Learn Plus
14 March 2018
by Dewi Parry
During this year’s Centre for Education Innovation – Education Innovation Week, several Learn Plus use cases were shared during an event titled “Enhancing the learning environment: Examining how the digital and physical learning environments are evolving to support the needs of our students and staff”.
There are some excellent examples of teaching & learning using the Learn Plus system across the University, ranging from flipped learning to student reflection, and formative & summative assessment.
Dr Caroline Lynch (Modern Languages) discussed the use of Learn Plus for as a portal for student created audio-visual assessments. As part of the innovative curriculum and innovative assessment work that has been undertaken within the School, students can now create and submit audio-visual assessments including producing mini documentaries, podcasts and video presentations. Presentaion 8.25min
Dr Sue Bartlett (Business School) shared her use of Learn Plus to help students develop their presentation skills within a core first year module. Students are then required to review and critically reflect on their presentation. Presentation 7.23min
Dr Daniel Bickerton (Music) shared the use of Learn Plus to record formative practical assessments by way of recitals by his final year students. Students are able to review their own performances, and listen back to the feedback given to them by their tutor. The feedback and reflection can then be considered for the final summative recital by the students. Presentation 6.42min
Finally, William Seagrim (Law & Politics) discussed his Centre for Education Innovation seed corn project, where he created a practical video resource for his students. The video takes a practical ethical problem for barristers in a court setting, and then students are asked to consider the answers to various scenarios, before receiving feedback for the questions. Presentation 11.35min. Resource Walkthrough 3.15min.
A very big thank you to Karl Luke for arranging the session and to all the speakers who shared their examples.
If you are interested in these use cases, or would like to discuss your own ideas for the use of video in your teaching, please contact the Centre for Education Innovation for advice and guidance:
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