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Meet Emmajane Milton, a new Academic Partner

23 November 2022
Person smiling

I have worked in Education for over 20 years, enjoying a wide range of roles within academia, policy development and the statutory school sector. I recently became a Professor (in Educational Practice) and am the current chair for the International Professional Development Association for Wales (IPDA Cymru). In 2018, I was delighted to be awarded an Advance-HE National Teaching Fellowship and have recently set up a National network for colleagues across the UK on teaching-focused contracts (with Kath Jones also in Cardiff University and Hannah Cobb from Manchester University).  

My research interests are focused on professional learning; educational practice, teacher enquiry, adopting a learner-centred orientation; educative mentoring and the recruitment and retention of education professionals. 

What your new role will be as an Academic Partner? 

In my new role as Academic Partner for Academic CPD and Fellowships, I will be supporting the delivery of strategic objectives as part of the Inspiring Teachers theme of the Education and Student Experience Portfolio 

I will be working strategically and collaboratively with schools, colleges and other specialist teams across the University to continue to develop and promote excellent learning and teaching practices supported by high-quality academic CPD and opportunities for recognition and reward. 

What are your priorities in your new role?  

  • Listening to the needs of staff in relation to how we can best support them in developing and refining their practice as educators
  • Ensuring staff excellence in educational practice is recognised, celebrated and rewarded
  • Advocating for and championing the value of engaging in high-quality professional learning activities/opportunities focused on improving the experiences of all our learners in Cardiff University

What led you to this role? 

I truly believe teaching is an honour and a privilege, and that high-quality educational experiences can be powerful in igniting students’ imaginations and curiosity about the world. It is also essential for developing our respective fields, building knowledge and breaking new ground. So, I was excited by the opportunity to contribute to supporting this important work across the University.  

How long have you worked in the University? 

In January 2023 I will have worked for the University for 10years – which is the longest amount of time I have worked anywhere!! 

About Emmajane Milton

My first career, before retraining to be a teacher, was working for nearly 10 years in Theatre as a free-lance stage-manager, I trained at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and worked / toured both in the UK and internationally. I am a Mum to my wonderful (biased obviously) twelve-year-old son from whom I am constantly learning, and as a family we love to cook, camp with friends and travel.