Learning and Teaching Conference 2021- The Business of Architecture – A Start-Up Journey
5 July 2021

In January 2020 the Enterprise and Start-Up team proposed a project to the Welsh School of Architecture’s’ “Virtual Studios” programme. Vertical Studios traditionally offers students a range of real-world projects led by colleagues in industry, which students elect to undertake as a structured extracurricular activity. Never before were students given the option of gaining experience through exploring a business idea of their own.
DAY ONE. We met our amazing students and did all the ice breaker fun-ness then we put them to work! Let’s generate an idea and get those creative juices flowing. We asked them, what are you passionate about and what skills do you have? Create 2 lists and stick them on the wall.

Next, some “thought showering” what ideas can we come up with? Passion: green issues, skill: design, could it be a design firm working focussed on reducing the environmental impact of building projects? Passion: food, Skill: communication, could it be a food blog? Or a YouTube channel?
The groups set about choosing the idea to work on and validate. Lots of discussion was had as you can imagine. They got there in the end! We introduced them to the marvellous idea development platform Simply Do Ideas. The concept canvas tool helped them to run through and flesh out their concepts.
Day 2. Time to find out who our ideal customers are. Why? Because they will be the core focus for our business model, how much we charge, how we conduct our research and how we market to them. We decided to make this as fun as we could so lets build a customer. Using our mannequins and clothes, shoes, hats, ties, and magazine all donated by staff the students brought their ideal customers to life. Who they are, what they do, how old they are, what are their passions, how much do they earn and where do they hang out to help us work on marketing strategies.

The groups came up with great ideas; “Electric Scooters”- Working with partners in Cardiff to improve the infrastructure in order to bring rental electric scooters to the city. “Plastopia”- Looking at the reduction of current and eventual landfill waste (in the UK) by providing aesthetic products that are actively positive for the environment and “Architectural Database” – A database providing information architects research for site analysis of an area before starting construction of an area
Day 3. After a little rest we ran a workshop on how to film video pitches. Then it was time to send the groups off to film a 2 minute video pitch for the exhibition day. We encouraged them to get creative and they totally did.
Finally – Exhibition day, hurray! All of the projects that the students had worked on for Vertical Studios were showcased to the public in the Capital Centre in Cardiff.
Guess what, our contribution one the “most innovative award” woop woop
And, what did the students get out of it?
Learning the fundamental building blocks of business, working creatively in teams, how to pitch an idea effectively, AND importantly the question is….
Are YOU a budding entrepreneur?
Written by Claire Parry-Witchell
The Business of Architecture – A Start-Up Journey was presented during the Learning and Teaching Conference. We will shortly be sharing the session recording.
‘BUSNES PENSAERNÏAETH – Taith Dechrau Busnes’ – Claire Parry-Witchell

Ym mis Ionawr 2020, cynigiodd y Tîm Menter a Dechrau Busnes brosiect i raglen Stiwdio Fertigol Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru. Yn draddodiadol, mae Stiwdio Fertigol yn cynnig ystod o brosiectau yn y byd go iawn, sy’n cael eu harwain gan gydweithwyr yn y diwydiant, i fyfyrwyr sy’n dewis ymgymryd â nhw fel gweithgaredd allgyrsiol strwythuredig. Ni roddwyd y dewis i fyfyrwyr gael profiad drwy archwilio un o’u syniadau busnes eu hunain erioed o’r blaen.
DIWRNOD UN. Gwnaethom gwrdd â’n myfyrwyr anhygoel a chael hwyl wrth ddod i adnabod ein gilydd. Yna, gwnaethom roi tasg iddynt! Cyfle i ddatblygu syniad a meddwl yn greadigol. Gwnaethom ofyn iddynt, ‘Beth rydych yn angerddol drosto, a pha sgiliau sydd gennych?’ Gofynnwyd iddynt lunio dwy restr a’u gosod ar y wal.

Nesaf, gwnaethom daflu syniadau a gweld beth oedd yn apelio. Angerdd: materion gwyrdd; sgil: dylunio – a allai fod yn gwmni dylunio sy’n canolbwyntio ar leihau effaith prosiectau adeiladu ar yr amgylchedd? Angerdd: Bwyd; Sgil: Cyfathrebu – allai fod yn flog bwyd? Sianel YouTube?
Aeth y grwpiau ati i ddewis syniad i weithio arno a’i ddilysu. Cafwyd llawer o drafod, fel y gallwch ddychmygu. Gwnaethant lwyddo yn y diwedd! Gwnaethom eu cyflwyno i’r platfform datblygu syniadau gwych, Simply Do Ideas. Gwnaeth yr offeryn cynfas cysyniadau eu helpu i fynd drwy eu cysyniadau ac ychwanegu atynt.
Diwrnod 2. Mae’r amser wedi cyrraedd i ddarganfod pwy yw ein cwsmeriaid delfrydol. Pam? Gan mai nhw fydd wrth wraidd ein model busnes, y pris rydym yn ei godi, ein ffordd o wneud ymchwil a’n dull marchnata. Gwnaethom benderfynu gwneud y dasg hon mor hwyl â phosibl. Felly, pwy ydynt? Drwy ddefnyddio ein modelau pren a’r dillad, yr esgidiau, yr hetiau, y teis a’r cylchgronau a roddwyd gan y staff, gwnaeth y myfyrwyr ddod â’u cwsmeriaid delfrydol yn fyw Pwy ydynt, beth maent yn ei wneud, beth yw eu diddordebau, faint maent yn ei ennill a ble maent yn treulio eu hamser – i’n helpu i weithio ar strategaethau marchnata.

Cynigiodd y grwpiau syniadau gwych: “Sgwteri Trydan” – Gweithio gyda phartneriaid yng Nghaerdydd i wella’r seilwaith er mwyn dod â sgwteri trydan i’w rhentu i’r ddinas, “Plastopia” – Lleihau gwastraff tirlenwi presennol ac yn y pen draw (yn y DU) drwy ddarparu cynhyrchion esthetig sy’n dda ar gyfer yr amgylchedd a “Chronfa Ddata Bensaernïol” – Cronfa ddata sy’n rhoi gwybodaeth y mae penseiri’n ymchwilio iddi ar gyfer dadansoddi safle mewn ardal cyn dechrau adeiladu arno.
Diwrnod 3. Ar ôl cael seibiant, gwnaethom gynnal gweithdy ar sut i ffilmio cyflwyniadau fideo. Yna, roedd yn amser anfon y grwpiau ymaith i ffilmio cyflwyniad fideo dwy funud o hyd ar gyfer y diwrnod arddangos. Ar ôl eu hannog i fod yn greadigol, gwnaethant achub ar y cyfle i wneud hynny’n llwyr.
Hwrê! Mae’r diwrnod arddangos wedi cyrraedd, o’r diwedd. Cafodd yr holl brosiectau y gwnaeth y myfyrwyr weithio arnynt ar gyfer Stiwdio Fertigol eu harddangos i’r cyhoedd yng nghanolfan Capitol yng Nghaerdydd.
Dyfalwch beth? Enillodd ein cyfraniad y wobr ar gyfer y prosiect mwyaf arloesol!
Pa fudd a gafodd y myfyrwyr ohono?
Dysgu blociau adeiladu sylfaenol busnes, sut i weithio’n greadigol mewn timau, sut i gyflwyno syniad yn effeithiol ac, yn bwysig, yr ateb i’r cwestiwn …
Ydych CHI’N ddarpar entrepreneur?