Engaging students in constructive peer feedback: a digital online resource
23 June 2021

Peer feedback has long occurred informally in higher education but little attention has been paid to support students to develop the necessary skills to fully utilize this learning tool. Our collaborative project between occupational therapy staff and students developed a co-designed learning resource, with the aim of helping students to develop the skills of providing and receiving constructive peer feedback within a variety of contexts. As a consequence of this project, students across the University will now have full access to the developed resources that will help them to understand the nature and process of constructive peer feedback and to practice the skills required.
At the Learning and Teaching Conference in July, we (Deb Hearle, Maria Clarke and Lucy Morris) will be running a workshop called “Engaging students in constructive peer feedback: a digital online resource”. Within this workshop participants will have the opportunity to engage with a digital online resource that can be adapted and adopted for any community of learners. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn about the development process and how this resource has informed subsequent blended learning opportunities within the occupational therapy programme.
We believe, and have evidence, that this constructive peer feedback resource we have co-created with two of our students is effective at educating students on how to give and receive peer feedback as well as providing them with opportunities to practice and refine their relevant skills.
Our session will be informative, interactive and hopefully inspiring. If you are joining our session or are interested in viewing and trying out our resource, you can access the constructive peer feedback resource using this link: https://xerte.cardiff.ac.uk/play_12736
Written by Deb Hearle, Maria Clarke and Lucy Morris
This session will take place at 16:05 on Thursday 1 July as part of the Learning and Teaching Conference. Register for the conference.
Mae adborth gan gymheiriaid wedi digwydd yn anffurfiol ers amser maith mewn addysg uwch ond ychydig o sylw a roddwyd i gynorthwyo myfyrwyr i ddatblygu’r sgiliau angenrheidiol i ddefnyddio’r adborth gymheiriaid yn llawn. Dyma ein prosiect cydweithredol rhwng staff a myfyrwyr therapi galwedigaethol yn datblygu adnodd dysgu wedi’i gyd-ddylunio, gyda’r nod o helpu myfyrwyr i ddatblygu sgiliau darparu a derbyn adborth adeiladol gan gymheiriaid mewn amrywiaeth o gyd-destunau. O ganlyniad i’r prosiect hwn, bydd gan fyfyrwyr ledled y Brifysgol fynediad llawn i’r adnoddau datblygedig a fydd yn eu helpu i ddeall natur a phroses adborth adeiladol gan gymheiriaid ac i ymarfer y sgiliau sy’n ofynnol.
Yn y Gynhadledd Dysgu ac Addysgu ym mis Gorffennaf, byddwn ni (Deb Hearle, Maria Clarke a Lucy Morris) yn cynnal gweithdy o’r enw “Cynnwys myfyrwyr mewn adborth adeiladol gan gymheiriaid: adnodd digidol ar-lein”. Yn y gweithdy hwn bydd cyfle i gyfranogwyr ymgysylltu ag adnodd digidol ar-lein y gellir ei addasu a’i fabwysiadu ar gyfer unrhyw gymuned o ddysgwyr. Bydd cyfranogwyr hefyd yn cael cyfle i ddysgu am y broses ddatblygu a sut mae’r adnodd hwn wedi llywio cyfleoedd dysgu cyfunol dilynol yn y rhaglen therapi galwedigaethol.
Credwn, ac mae gennym dystiolaeth, fod yr adnodd adborth cymheiriaid adeiladol hwn yr ydym wedi’i gyd-greu gyda dau o’n myfyrwyr yn effeithiol wrth addysgu myfyrwyr ar sut i roi a derbyn adborth gan gymheiriaid yn ogystal â rhoi cyfleoedd iddynt ymarfer a mireinio eu sgiliau perthnasol.
Bydd ein sesiwn yn addysgiadol, yn rhyngweithiol ac yn ysbrydoledig gobeithio. Os ydych chi’n ymuno â’n sesiwn neu os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gweld a rhoi cynnig ar ein hadnodd, gallwch gyrchu’r adnodd adborth cymheiriaid adeiladol gan ddefnyddio’r ddolen hon: https://xerte.cardiff.ac.uk/play_12736
Ysgrifennwyd gan Deb Hearle, Maria Clarke a Lucy Morris
Bydd y sesiwn hon yn cael ei chynnal am 16:05 ddydd Iau 1 Gorffennaf fel rhan o’r Gynhadledd Dysgu ac Addysgu. Cofrestrwch ar gyfer y gynhadledd.