Animating for Panopto
19 April 2017
Please note – Office Mix has been discontinued but there are other options available.
When I recorded the video promoting Learning Technology Advice Drop-in Sessions (for this blog post) I wanted to capture my animations from Powerpoint in the screen capture, keeping them smooth and at a full 1080p. Due the high resolution, I could only capture around 15fps in panopto personal capture, so I lost some of the subtlety to the animations. I also wanted to take advantage of some of the great features that Panopto can provide around distribution and stats.
Enter Office Mix. I’ve used Office Mix previously to put talking heads over powerpoints (pre-panopto), but it also has the ability to do a 1080p export including animations. Here’s a quick video talking through it.

If anyone has any use cases they’d like to try this for, it would be great to see the outcomes.