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Hadyn Ellis distinguished lecture

Hadyn Ellis distinguished lecture

Posted on 13 November 2014 by Colin Riordan

Shami Chakrabarti, the Director of the human rights and civil liberties organisation Liberty, came to the University on 13 November to deliver the annual Hadyn Ellis lecture. Shami has just […]

The British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD)

The British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD)

Posted on 13 November 2014 by

I am the President for BASCD for 2014. I spent today, 13 November, hosting its autumn conference in London.  The theme of the conference for this year was ‘Alcohol, Tobacco […]

Making it Happen workshops

Making it Happen workshops

Posted on 12 November 2014 by Mairwen Harris

To date just over 300 members of staff have been on The Way Forward - Making it Happen workshops. Since the feedback for the 2013/14 sessions has been so positive […]

UEB 10 November 2014

UEB 10 November 2014

Posted on 10 November 2014 by Mairwen Harris

UEB received and agreed the institution's draft response to HEFCE's survey inviting views on an internationalised system of research assessment. UEB agreed The Way Forward: Progress against targets, business case forward […]

DECIPHer Management Board Meeting

DECIPHer Management Board Meeting

Posted on 7 November 2014 by

Today I attended and chaired the DECIPHer Management Board. DECIPHer stands for Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health Improvement.  It is a strategic partnership between Cardiff, […]

Cardiff Futures

Cardiff Futures

Posted on 5 November 2014 by Claire Sanders

Since joining Cardiff University I have been struck by the amount of time and effort put into staff development. One of the many advantages of these programmes is the opportunity […]

Insider Business and Education Partnerships Awards

Insider Business and Education Partnerships Awards

Posted on 5 November 2014 by Paul Jewell

I had the pleasure of attending the first Insider Business and Education Partnerships Awards which recognise the impact of collaboration and innovation between universities and businesses. The event was a […]

UEB 3 November 2014

UEB 3 November 2014

Posted on 3 November 2014 by Mairwen Harris

UEB received a paper on the REF Results Planning.  It was noted that on 16 December 2014, REF institutional results and contextual, comparative data would be received and, using business intelligence […]

Paying the Living Wage

Paying the Living Wage

Posted on 3 November 2014 by Jayne Sadgrove

Earlier this week I met two members of staff, Wayne Jacobs and Sue Rogers. Not unusual for a Chief Operating Officer you might think but Wayne and Sue are two of over 150 staff to have benefited from a major shift in University policy.

Vice-Chancellor’s October all-staff email

Vice-Chancellor’s October all-staff email

Posted on 31 October 2014 by Colin Riordan

Dear colleague I read the other day that the Queen has started tweeting. I don't tweet myself so can claim no expertise on the subject but have to confess that […]