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Lifetime Loyalty and Taylor Swift

Lifetime Loyalty and Taylor Swift

Posted on 1 July 2024 by

I’ve been very lucky to have been to some amazing gigs, festivals, hot tub holidays and cool girl city breaks in my life (pro tip - always seek out a […]

Hungry Cultures

Hungry Cultures

Posted on 17 December 2023 by

If you’ve read a few of these blogs you’ll know that I collect business phrases and new terminologies like some kind of airport business book magpie. There are those that […]

Moving on Up

Moving on Up

Posted on 1 October 2023 by

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE Taylor Swift. My love for her has kind of grown though. I didn’t used to be as obsessed as I am now. The […]

Institutional Flapping

Institutional Flapping

Posted on 2 April 2023 by

I’ve recently taken on a new, one day a week, role in Cardiff University as the Flexible Learning Academic Partner (FLAP).  Not the most attractive of acronyms but I’m rolling […]

Organisational Tempo

Organisational Tempo

Posted on 5 January 2023 by

The Christmas and New Year period is the best holiday in the academic calendar because Cardiff University literally shuts. (I’m sure that there will be some people who have to […]

Vaccine Lean – The Dawn of the Water Spider

Vaccine Lean – The Dawn of the Water Spider

Posted on 25 October 2022 by

One of my favourite things to do is ... encounter a slightly less than optimal service experience where I can very quickly identify a series of things that could be […]

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Posted on 28 August 2022 by

My first job in the Lean Enterprise Research Centre was to understand how to apply an operations management methodology, which had originated in manufacturing, to that of a service environment.   […]

Peaceful Protest

Peaceful Protest

Posted on 2 August 2022 by

Some of you might remember that I went viral on Twitter once when I was miffed at a 5 men panel on Good Morning Britain passing judgement on whether or […]

Tesla Tales

Tesla Tales

Posted on 5 July 2022 by

Last week a valued associate of Cardiff Business School drove me to a meeting in his brand new Tesla.  I have only ever seen them in car parks and in […]

Organisational Therapy

Organisational Therapy

Posted on 28 February 2022 by

When it feels like the world is falling apart, I seek solace in television.  Not live ‘terrestrial’ television of course, because THE NEWS can pop up at anytime on that […]