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Trust Thermoclines

Trust Thermoclines

Posted on 8 February 2023 by

I love learning new business language to describe something – my last blog was about ‘organisational tempo’, one blog was about the importance of ‘psychological safety’ at work, another about […]

Organisational Tempo

Organisational Tempo

Posted on 5 January 2023 by

The Christmas and New Year period is the best holiday in the academic calendar because Cardiff University literally shuts. (I’m sure that there will be some people who have to […]

The Queen and Lean

The Queen and Lean

Posted on 4 October 2022 by

Well it’s been another momentous month in the insanity that is the 2020s.   I was surprised at how sad I felt after the Queen died ... it really is an […]

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Posted on 28 August 2022 by

My first job in the Lean Enterprise Research Centre was to understand how to apply an operations management methodology, which had originated in manufacturing, to that of a service environment.   […]

Peaceful Protest

Peaceful Protest

Posted on 2 August 2022 by

Some of you might remember that I went viral on Twitter once when I was miffed at a 5 men panel on Good Morning Britain passing judgement on whether or […]

Tesla Tales

Tesla Tales

Posted on 5 July 2022 by

Last week a valued associate of Cardiff Business School drove me to a meeting in his brand new Tesla.  I have only ever seen them in car parks and in […]

Carrots, Sticks and Buckets of Time Tricks

Carrots, Sticks and Buckets of Time Tricks

Posted on 5 May 2022 by

One of the difficult jobs of any leader is to get people to do something differently or to get them to do what you need them to do.  If only […]

Late Night Wordleing

Late Night Wordleing

Posted on 29 January 2022 by

Most nights I’d say I’m usually asleep by about 11.30pm, staying up, probably later than I should, to ensure that I enjoy those delicious few hours of grownup television and […]

Vaccine Lean

Vaccine Lean

Posted on 29 December 2021 by

I was absolutely delighted to receive my 3rd ‘booster’ vaccine a couple of weeks ago. Having been tremendously grateful for 2 x AstraZenecas, I have to confess that for my […]

AMBAZING Accreditation!

AMBAZING Accreditation!

Posted on 7 November 2021 by

The Business School is so delighted to have achieved AMBA accreditation! It’s a globally renowned hallmark of quality that simply and clearly communicates the excellence of our MBA programmes. AMBA […]