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Lifetime Loyalty and Taylor Swift

Lifetime Loyalty and Taylor Swift

Posted on 1 July 2024 by

I’ve been very lucky to have been to some amazing gigs, festivals, hot tub holidays and cool girl city breaks in my life (pro tip - always seek out a […]

Designs on Service Design

Designs on Service Design

Posted on 28 February 2024 by

On Tuesday I had the pleasure of teaching my ‘Introduction to Service Design’ course to a group of people from a range of different organisations, including, I’m pleased to add, […]

Hungry Cultures

Hungry Cultures

Posted on 17 December 2023 by

If you’ve read a few of these blogs you’ll know that I collect business phrases and new terminologies like some kind of airport business book magpie. There are those that […]

Event Lean

Event Lean

Posted on 5 December 2023 by

Is it just me, and I’m going to show my age now, but do we all seem to collectively celebrate holidays with much more gusto than we ever used to? […]

The Traffic Analogy

The Traffic Analogy

Posted on 27 October 2023 by

For the last few weeks Wales, and indeed it would seem the entire UK (?!), was gripped in the middle of the dystopian NIGHTMARE that is 20 MPHgate.  As part […]

Moving on Up

Moving on Up

Posted on 1 October 2023 by

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE Taylor Swift. My love for her has kind of grown though. I didn’t used to be as obsessed as I am now. The […]

Powerpoint Sneaky Lean

Powerpoint Sneaky Lean

Posted on 30 July 2023 by

One of the key tools of the Toyota Production System is an ‘A3’.  It’s basically a live project plan on a page. On one piece of A3 sized paper.  (I […]

Writing about Writing

Writing about Writing

Posted on 4 July 2023 by

As I sat down to write this month’s blog, about the therapeutic, transformative act of writing itself, the thought suddenly entered my head to see whether Chat GPT could write […]

Institutional Flapping

Institutional Flapping

Posted on 2 April 2023 by

I’ve recently taken on a new, one day a week, role in Cardiff University as the Flexible Learning Academic Partner (FLAP).  Not the most attractive of acronyms but I’m rolling […]

“Just Do the Next Right Thing”

“Just Do the Next Right Thing”

Posted on 7 March 2023 by

Regular readers will know that I am partial to collecting new business terminology.  Usually this language comes from an academic or a business expert, but today, I offer you a […]