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Sarah Lethbridge

Sarah Lethbridge

Pro Dean of External Engagement


Lessons in Innovation

Posted on 23 March 2018 by

The other week, I decided to take some time out and attend the Chartered Association of Business School’s Executive Education symposium. Like most of us, I had lots to do, including arranging early morning […]

Diversity Within the Digital Board

Posted on 23 March 2018 by

When contemplating the composition of progressive digital boards, it’s relatively easy to draw up a wish list. You’d want a board to possess a mixture of managerial acumen and technical […]

E-Efficiency and E-Effectiveness

Posted on 23 March 2018 by

It is my firm belief that public services can be at the cutting edge of digital developments. In a previous BVEX blog I eulogized about the savings in both customer […]

Confront Waste to Innovate!

Posted on 23 March 2018 by

It appears that innovation, while far from a new concept, is now the hotly sought after ‘ingredient’ that organisations are desperate to harness, adopt, nurture and grow. I have been […]

If You Aren’t Moving Forward Positively, You’re Moving Backward!

Posted on 23 March 2018 by

Entropy. “The inexorable tendency of the universe and any isolated system in it, to slide toward a state of increasing disorder.” I was first introduced to the word entropy after […]

Big Business By Giving Back

Posted on 27 April 2016 by

Last year, Cardiff Business School launched its Public Value Business Strategy. It aims to be the first business school in the world to seek to deliver as much ‘social value’ […]

The Destructive Force of the CAVE Mentality

Posted on 9 January 2015 by

A regular criticism of a lean approach to work is simply that it’s “common sense”. If it’s so “common” however, then how come there are so many work processes that […]

Behold! Successful Government IT Projects!

Posted on 9 January 2015 by

There can be no doubt that there have been several high profile Government IT initiatives which have failed miserably. Attempts to upgrade and improve the NHS’s IT infrastructure were last […]

Lean Management and Maternity!

Posted on 9 January 2015 by

In February this year I found out that I was pregnant. I gave birth to my baby in October, so it’s hard to talk about the challenges that I’ve faced […]

Improving Customer Service through Digital Technologies: Learning from Different Sectors

Posted on 23 July 2014 by

A while ago, I wrote a blog about the role that digital technologies played when I bought a bike online and how important it was to analyse the entire customer […]