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Fun activities to do that don’t involve alcohol!

Fun activities to do that don’t involve alcohol!

Posted on 5 January 2024 by Muskaan

Living at University involves a whole range of fun activities- some that depend on social drinking whilst others don't. As someone who doesn't like drinking, I have often struggled to […]

Habits I’ve started at the beginning of the year (that I wish I’d started sooner)

Habits I’ve started at the beginning of the year (that I wish I’d started sooner)

Posted on 5 December 2023 by Jasmine

Getting into the right routine at university is key to your academic success and general well-being. The habits that you pick up at the very beginning are especially important for […]

International Journalism (MA) Unforgettable study trip in Gregynog

International Journalism (MA) Unforgettable study trip in Gregynog

Posted on 22 November 2023 by Lydia

Have you ever heard of Gregynog? It's an amazing place nestled in the breathtaking landscapes of Wales that offers an experience you'll never forget. It's a perfect blend of history, […]

My International Relations journey so far

My International Relations journey so far

Posted on 13 November 2023 by Jasmine

Recently, while visiting my home town, I returned to working at the original library where I studied when I was 16 years old and came to realise that I wanted […]

How to find the best housemates

How to find the best housemates

Posted on 13 November 2023 by Jasmine

Finding the right housemates can be challenging, however, these tips should help you consider the decision from all angles before committing to a specific group of housemates. This blog aims […]

The Cardiff house hunt: How to make the most of resources

The Cardiff house hunt: How to make the most of resources

Posted on 13 November 2023 by Jasmine

Looking for a student house can be stressful, especially when balancing your budget between saving money and good accommodation. In fact, there are many useful services through the university that […]

My Mamma Mia summer and the existential dread of growing up

My Mamma Mia summer and the existential dread of growing up

Posted on 27 September 2023 by Jasmine

The time of our lives while at university involves many changes - our first taste of independence, looking after ourselves, new relationships, managing our finances and considering what careers we […]

Things that I am excited about for the next academic year – and you should be too!

Things that I am excited about for the next academic year – and you should be too!

Posted on 11 September 2023 by Jasmine

Beginning a new academic year can be a nerve-racking time. You may be moving to new accommodation, nervous to learn challenging content, be missing some of your friends who have […]

A reflection on the upheaval of being a student

A reflection on the upheaval of being a student

Posted on 29 August 2023 by Jasmine

Being a student can be a fun and exciting time, full of rich experiences and making memories. However, there is a less talked about side of being a student, the […]

Top tips to settle into university life

Top tips to settle into university life

Posted on 24 July 2023 by Jasmine

As Cardiff focuses on the success of many final-year students during their graduation, there are many future students awaiting their results to confirm their place at the university. In their […]