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What is academic writing?

What is academic writing?

Posted on 4 February 2021 by Miah

In this video, I explain what academic writing is, what citations are and what the difference is between citations and references. I hope it is somewhat helpful! Stay tuned […]

How to Survive Mandatory Self-isolation as an International Student

How to Survive Mandatory Self-isolation as an International Student

Posted on 2 February 2021 by Monique

Or as I like to call it how NOT to go crazy after 10 days on your own Self-Isolation is hard, trust me I’ve isolated alone over four times now due […]

7 Welsh Holidays and Festivals you Should Know About

7 Welsh Holidays and Festivals you Should Know About

Posted on 31 January 2021 by Ellie

Wales has a whole host of unique national holidays and festivals across the year and as a student studying in Wales, this is the perfect opportunity to get stuck right […]

Dysgu ar Sail Achosion (Case-Based Learning): Beth mae o wir yn ei olygu?

Dysgu ar Sail Achosion (Case-Based Learning): Beth mae o wir yn ei olygu?

Posted on 28 January 2021 by Shôn

Mae dysgu ar sail achosion (DSA) a dysgu ar sail problemau (yn Saesneg, case-based learning a problem-based learning) yn dominyddu dulliau dysgu addysg feddygol modern. Erbyn hyn, ychydig o ysgolion […]

8 Cardiff Societies you need to Join

8 Cardiff Societies you need to Join

Posted on 27 January 2021 by Ellie

Societies are one of the best parts about university life, and with Cardiff University having over 300 of them, you will be spoilt for choice. While some may appeal to […]

Astudio Meddygaeth mewn Cymraeg

Astudio Meddygaeth mewn Cymraeg

Posted on 13 January 2021 by Shôn

Tra'n astudio Meddygaeth yng Nghaerdydd, rydw i'n derbyn ysgoloriaeth gan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i astudio rhan o'r cwrs trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Yn y blog hwn, rwyf am egluro […]

How to time manage during the holidays

How to time manage during the holidays

Posted on 11 January 2021 by Jess

As we have just finished the Christmas break, I thought it might be useful to write a blog about time management during this holiday period.  I am in my 3rd […]

Get ready for MMIs!

Get ready for MMIs!

Posted on 9 January 2021 by Ellen

Firstly, if you are reading this with an invite to interview, congratulations! You have overcome the first big hurdle in your journey into medicine! This blog is going to tackle […]

Dysgu Wyneb-yn-Wyneb ar Gampws COVID-Ddiogel

Dysgu Wyneb-yn-Wyneb ar Gampws COVID-Ddiogel

Posted on 14 December 2020 by Shôn

Helo, Shôn ydw i, croeso i fy mlog cyntaf ar y safle hon. Rwyf fel arfer yn astudio Meddygaeth, ond y flwyddyn hon rydw i'n gwneud gradd ymsang mewn Ffarmacoleg […]

How to Stay Motivated over the Christmas Holidays

How to Stay Motivated over the Christmas Holidays

Posted on 11 December 2020 by Ellie

Trying to motivate yourself to do work over the Christmas break is nothing short of tough. With new distractions – from being at home to the fact that the festive […]