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Study-abroad in Cardiff and around the World

Study-abroad in Cardiff and around the World

Posted on 28 May 2022 by Sunaina

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to study in another university? The different experiences, people, and activities that you will encounter enabling you to have a whole […]

How to make the most of your personal tutor at university

How to make the most of your personal tutor at university

Posted on 23 May 2022 by James

During your time studying at Cardiff University, you will be assigned at least one personal tutor to assist you in your studies and your general wellbeing as a student. Though […]

How to tackle group projects at university

How to tackle group projects at university

Posted on 27 April 2022 by James

There are many different formats of assessment at university, varying within each academic programme, and one of the most impactful factors in determining how you approach an assignment is whether […]

Tips to Study over Easter Break  

Posted on 11 March 2022 by Ayushi

Tips to Study over Easter Break         As a third-year student, I know how enticing it is to give in to the temptation to just watch Netflix and relax […]

University facilities you must use as a Journalism student

University facilities you must use as a Journalism student

Posted on 21 February 2022 by Ayushi

Centre for student life  Centre for student life is the brand-new glass building opposite the main building near the Students' Union. It has loads of areas to study, meet up […]

Media and Communications at Cardiff University

Media and Communications at Cardiff University

Posted on 6 January 2022 by Miah

Click the link below to watch my video all about my course - Media and Communications! Youtube video - Media and Communications webpage - JOMEC webpage -    

Differences between online and in-person lectures!

Differences between online and in-person lectures!

Posted on 13 October 2021 by Miah

This video lists and explains the differences between online and in-person lectures. I hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for more videos and blogs! Miah x

Differences between School and University

Differences between School and University

Posted on 10 September 2021 by Miah

This video outlines the differences between school and university! Stay tuned for more videos and blogs! Miah x

Study Tips: Catching up on old Anki decks!

Study Tips: Catching up on old Anki decks!

Posted on 8 September 2021 by Nick

Welcome to my fourth blog in my own mini-series on ‘Study Tips’ where I aim to share advice on different study tips I have found useful. Hopefully, we can start […]

Study Tips: Spaced Repetition

Study Tips: Spaced Repetition

Posted on 6 September 2021 by Nick

Welcome to my third blog in my own mini-series on ‘Study Tips’ where I aim to share advice on different study tips, I have found useful. Hopefully, we can start […]