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A Week in the Life of an International Journalism (MA) Student at Cardiff University

A Week in the Life of an International Journalism (MA) Student at Cardiff University

Posted on 8 November 2023 by Lydia

Hey there! Come and join us for a week-long adventure into the bustling world of global news reporting with Cardiff University's International Journalism (MA) students. If you're interested in applying, […]

Mastering Time: A Deadline Survival Guide

Mastering Time: A Deadline Survival Guide

Posted on 8 November 2023 by Lydia

Hey there, deadline dodgers and time travelers! As we find ourselves hurtling into November, the impending December deadlines are looming like a gigantic snowball rolling down a hill. Now, I'm […]

Safety First: The Unseen Risks of Filmmaking

Safety First: The Unseen Risks of Filmmaking

Posted on 18 October 2023 by Lydia

As I embark on my journey through the MA programme in International Journalism at Cardiff University, the allure of filmmaking assignments beckons. These practical tasks are not just about capturing […]

Discovering Cardiff: My Journey to Choosing Cardiff University for School of Journalism, Media and Culture

Discovering Cardiff: My Journey to Choosing Cardiff University for School of Journalism, Media and Culture

Posted on 18 October 2023 by Lydia

As the doors to Cardiff University's 24 autumn academic year swing open for autumn admissions, I find myself reflecting on a decision made with unwavering determination—a decision that, in retrospect, […]

Where We Can Film from a Practical or Legal Point of View

Where We Can Film from a Practical or Legal Point of View

Posted on 18 October 2023 by Lydia

As an international journalism student at Cardiff University, embarking on visual storytelling assignments is not just about capturing moments—it's a journey through the intricacies of practical, legal, and ethical considerations. […]

Navigating Two Central Square: A Comprehensive Guide to Cardiff University’s Hub of Journalism, Media and Culture

Navigating Two Central Square: A Comprehensive Guide to Cardiff University’s Hub of Journalism, Media and Culture

Posted on 18 October 2023 by Lydia

Embarking on your academic journey at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Culture can be both exciting and slightly overwhelming, especially when it comes to navigating the intricate layout […]

What Happens When We Disconnect from Smartphones in the Classroom?

What Happens When We Disconnect from Smartphones in the Classroom?

Posted on 18 October 2023 by Lydia

In the ever-connected world we inhabit, the battle between technology and undivided attention often takes centre stage. Recently, a gentle nudge from a professor led me to reflect on my […]

Navigating Pathways: A Comprehensive Guide to Cardiff University’s International Journalism MA Specializations

Navigating Pathways: A Comprehensive Guide to Cardiff University’s International Journalism MA Specializations

Posted on 4 October 2023 by Lydia

Embarking on the journey of international journalism at Cardiff University is an exhilarating prospect, especially when faced with the captivating choice of three distinct pathways: documentary, multimedia, and broadcast. It's […]

Things to do in Cardiff in autumn

Things to do in Cardiff in autumn

Posted on 4 October 2023 by Jasmine

Autumn can be a really special time. With the air getting more crisp and the colour of the leaves changing comes a new academic year. For those new to Cardiff […]

Embracing Your Inner Confidence: Overcoming Presentation Anxiety

Embracing Your Inner Confidence: Overcoming Presentation Anxiety

Posted on 3 October 2023 by Lydia

Have you ever experienced that knot in your stomach right before a presentation? That fear of facing a room full of strangers or speaking in front of a large audience? […]