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A Week in the Life of an International Journalism (MA) Student at Cardiff University

8 November 2023
Published on April 4, 2021, by Jexo under the Unsplash License
Published on April 4, 2021, by Jexo under the Unsplash License

Hey there! Come and join us for a week-long adventure into the bustling world of global news reporting with Cardiff University’s International Journalism (MA) students. If you’re interested in applying, it’s good to know what you’re getting into. Our days are jam-packed with classes, but that’s what makes this programme so exciting! Every lecture and assignment is an invaluable learning experience that makes the journey not only challenging but also incredibly rewarding. Want to know more about what it’s like to be an International Journalism (MA) student? Let’s take this immersive journey together and find out.

Monday & Friday: Production Days

Mondays and Fridays are production days, and my fellow students and I get super pumped to create international news content as part of the multimedia pathway. We dive into the art of news writing, carefully selecting topics, conducting insightful interviews, and capturing fascinating visuals through images and short videos. We then put our materials together in an organised way and showcase our best work on InterCardiff, a multimedia platform—it’s pretty awesome! The week is filled with energy and excitement, and we feel so proud when we present our hard work and creativity to the world.

Published on April 2, 2019 by CoWomen under the Unsplash License

Tuesday: Theoretical Exploration

As we reach the middle of the week, we’re greeted by a seamless transition into the world of theoretical exploration. We get to attend some engaging lectures on Information Gathering and Analysis as well as Foreign News Reporting. These lectures are designed to take us through some profound readings and guide us step by step towards the formulation of ideas for our upcoming dissertations. The best part? We get to go on a transformational journey to GREGYNOG around Week 7 for dissertation pitches, where we’ll receive invaluable feedback to help us light up our ongoing research and proposal development. Exciting times ahead!

Wednesday: Language Enhancement

If you’re an international journalism student looking to improve your skills for global reporting, we’ve got just the thing for you! Every Wednesday, we offer specialized language classes that cater to your needs. But wait, there’s more! We also have an amazing programme called Languages for All, where our Academic English Skills team provides free classes, workshops, and personalized tutorials to help you tackle any writing, speaking, or English-related issues that you may have. We are here to support you every step of the way and ensure your academic success in the UK. This linguistic journey is not only going to broaden your cultural insights but also enhance your global journalistic perspectives. So, what are you waiting for? Come join us and let’s take this journey together!

Published on April 12, 2017 by Andrew Neel under the Unsplash License

Thursday: Professional Development

Thursdays are pretty special for us as we get to improve our professional skills and knowledge through fun and interactive workshops and seminars. These sessions offer us insights into the evolving landscape of journalism, from digital platforms to ethical considerations, making us better-informed and more conscientious journalists.

At Cardiff University’s International Journalism (MA) programme, we are not just students but active architects of the future of global journalism. We get hands-on experience in newsrooms, explore exciting theories, develop our linguistic fluency, and enhance our professional skills every day. All of this prepares us to be adaptable, well-informed, and future-ready journalists who are all set to explore the world.

Starting this MA journey at Cardiff University is a rollercoaster of experiences, but as we navigate through challenges and celebrate victories, we realise how important it is to invest our time and effort in this programme. Each week is a testament to our growth as journalists—the kind that our world needs: versatile, informed, and ready to take on the global stories of tomorrow.

Hope this gave you a better idea of our journey here at Cardiff University’s International Journalism (MA) programme.